Mood Swings & The Downfalls



  • _Shelley_
    _Shelley_ Posts: 206
    I had awful hormonal issue a couple month ago back. I was feel very anxious, not feel calm, and felt very stressed out about everything, even the little stuff. I could tell I was depressed. On top of that, I had a hard time holding my bladder and had IBS. I felt very alone and had a difficult time with life. After I went on BC and started dieting, it helped me so much! I feel loads better and back to myself.

    I really do think that it is stress. Stress is very difficult to lose weight! I do think that maybe it might be low net calories like someone above said. Don't give up! You aren't alone. Feel free to add if you want someone to talk about with!

    I was just recently diagnosed with IBS, too. I've had it for about 8 yrs and it has gotten worse over the last year or two.

    I'm starting to wonder if my birth control could be causing so many of these issues.
  • FJcntdwn2sknyluv
    FJcntdwn2sknyluv Posts: 651 Member
    Lately I've been having terrible, debilitation mood swings. One moment I feel fantastic, like nothing can stop me. And in the next, I feel like absolute shicaca. As a mental health professional, I know this isn't a normal thing but am reluctant to seek treatment for it because of medication and it's side effects.

    I have severe anxiety attacks; the kind where I have difficulty just getting out of bed. I have a stressful job because of an *kitten* boss. And my life outside of work isn't all that fantastic either.

    While i workout regularly and eat well, there are no physical changes that I see occurring. I am starting to feel that these mood swings and fluctuations in my personality are also playing a major role in my weight loss goals. I have zero motivation and then I'll have all the motivation in the world. It's a vicious cycle that I cannot seem to break.

    I've been diagnosed clinically depressed in the past and have clinical anxiety (not just me saying I have it).

    Does anyone else here experience these things? I feel pretty alone when it comes to this stuff, esp in a community where everyone seems to have a drive that I totally lack. I'd love some advice, pointers, new friends...something.

    *jawdrops* describes me to a T!!! I'm not alone :'( Somewhat comforting, I got nothing cause I quit my zoloft due to the side effects so thanks for being brave.
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I usually don't mention this but a few years ago, I had a job situation that caused a great deal of stress... When that happened, I switched into like a hypomanic episode (which I had never experienced before or since....) This actually was a pretty classic episode where I literally slept maybe between 0 and 2 hours per night for at least a week and a half. I had all the energy in the world and my speech and thoughts flew like the wind... Then came a bit of a crash but not really hard... Still sleep disturbance. I say that to say, this is most likely stress related. Stress releases cortizone which causes weight to hold on... Whatever you can do to relieve the stress should help your situation. As some have said, if you really need meds, there is nothing wrong with that... In my case, I actually was able to push through that situation and have been relatively stable without having to resort to that. Would I should I have a recurrence? Absolutely if I needed to... This time, I was able to work through it. I will say this though... If you are dealing with a bipolar situation, be cautious of any thoughts of suicide or self-harm. If you have anything like that, it is a medical emergency and you need help immediately. As long as your body has breath, your situation can and will improve... For me, exercise does tend to help maintain my moods.

    Another thing too, if you are being treated for depression, anti-depressants can cause manic episodes in those with bipolar disorder. In all fairness, realize that I am not a mental health professional (though I have worked with the MR population and some with concommittant bipolar) and don't even play one on T.V. However, when I went through that Hell, I did do quite a bit of research.into the matter... perhaps it may be the case of one where a little bit of knowledge is dangerous but I'll share it none-the-less.

    I really pray and hope that your situation gets better soon.. I KNOW what Hell you are going through and the confusion and discouragement it can bring. If you need help, don't hesitate. :smile:
  • k_sharp
    k_sharp Posts: 100 Member
    I feel the same way you do! It's crazy because I could have pretty much typed that myself! I have such a hard time sticking to my health and weight loss goals because somedays I have no motivation! I could easily lay in bed most days and do nothing but I have to get up and take care of my kiddos so I do! I love my kids and my husband so that's what I use as motivation some times I think I should talk to a professional but than again sometimes I wonder if I'm just that lazy...
  • HealthyNFit4Life
    HealthyNFit4Life Posts: 185 Member
    I have had depression and anxiety all my life. I moods will constantly cycle like yours do. I am a mental health professional myself (social worker), and I began to think that I may have a mood disorder. I saw a new psychiatrist, and I have a mood disorder NOS. I feel this definitely affects my eating habits. When I feel stressed, sad, etc, I eat. You should probably go to a doctor and get blood work to rule out something physical that may be related to your moods. People all have some issues, whether it's a mental health issue, interpersonal one, or a physical one.
  • KimInsanityP
    I'm right there with ya! I'm in a funk now! I try to stay up, because I'm trying to motivate others, but it gets very discouraging. I'm also a medical professional and the last thing I want to do is see someone about a mental issue. I was hoping all this working out and endorphins and all that, I'd be flying high. But my mood is swinging now! I hope you find out what's going on and find a solution!!! Feel free to add me as a friend for extra support!
  • k_sharp
    k_sharp Posts: 100 Member
    I feel the same way you do! It's crazy because I could have pretty much typed that myself! I have such a hard time sticking to my health and weight loss goals because somedays I have no motivation! I could easily lay in bed most days and do nothing but I have to get up and take care of my kiddos so I do! I love my kids and my husband so that's what I use as motivation some times I think I should talk to a professional but than again sometimes I wonder if I'm just that lazy...