Not much support at home!

Hello :) I'm a young mom with two kids. I joined MFP to look for friends to keep each other motivated!
I have trouble doing it alone because my boyfriend just does not care to fix his weight. He doesn't care what he eats and he hates fruits and veggies. It's a pain in the butt trying to eat healthy and keep his appetite satisfied too.
I also have a newborn son so working out around his schedule is pretty tough. Anyone else in a similar situation? Whether you are or not, I'd love to talk with people who just want to be healthy and fit! :D


  • WVHeather
    WVHeather Posts: 53
    I was in that situation about 15 years ago, when I had a 20 month old and a newborn. It's almost impossible to do anything for yourself with a newborn. Just taking a shower is difficult! Luckily, I have support here at home from my husband and sons, who are now 13 and 15. They get tired of hearing about my weigh loss though. That's why I like this so much - motivation and support!
  • marpeters
    marpeters Posts: 205 Member
    Congratulations for getting out there and making your health a priority. I do remember those young kid days and I really really wish that I had taken better care of myself when the kids were young! Good for you for trying! It might be really hard to do this alone, but you and your health are sooooo worth the bother. Keep looking for strange ways to get in your cardio...dancing with baby in your arms???? jogging behind a stroller.... Good luck.. Add me as a friend if you'd like some active support. Am good at encouraging!