Eat donuts - lose weight? Apparently!

My weight seems to fluctuate for no apparent rhyme or reason, it seems, and I want to know why.

For example - One day this past week, I ate very well. Approx. 1300 calories of nutritious foods (no junk, pop, 'white' foods...) Went for a 30 minute run. The following day, I am up 1.9#.

Yesterday - I ate ok at the beginning of the day - skipped breakfast, ate 2 donuts the size of Montana (filling, nuts, chocolate frosting... those damn seminar lecturers' sure know how to entice their students to attend!) and climbed 4 flights of stairs. I'm down 2.3# since yesterday. What kind of sense does this make? How is this possible? I sure as hell could go for a diet of Twinkies, donuts, pop, & pie if that's what it takes but logic says there's something more to it.

Any idea's as to why this happens?


  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    everyone fluctuates a few lbs up and down..its all hormonal, or water retention, etc etc.
  • CDRhom
    CDRhom Posts: 9
    There are several factors involved. Water is a big one. You probably already know that sometimes you retain more water than other times.

    The component weight of what you have been eating can make a difference. A pound of beef and a pound of carrots weigh the same, but both have a much different net calorie content. That's one of the reasons weighing in at the same time, preferably before you have eaten, makes a difference.

    Lastly, calories are not generally instantaneous responders. The weight loss you saw today may actually be the result of your healthy habits last week. Next week you may see the effects of the doughnuts and other tasty goodies they tempt us with at those seminars.
  • Iamjulez
    Iamjulez Posts: 48 Member
    Good food encourage muscle growth, for one. And muscle weighs more than fat.

    For other reasons, maybe your body was reacting to you eating more calories and speeding up your metabolism?

    Keep in mind it isn't a short term thing... losing weight should only be half of the goal, being healthy is the other half... although waiting for your body to figue itself out and shrink is frustrating sometimes! lol :) Good luck!
  • wildboar1
    wildboar1 Posts: 88
    Ok here's how it works:

    You go on a deficit, your body uses your stored glycogen and burns fat.

    You lose fat.

    Your fat cells fill with water, since fat cells hate skrinking.

    Since your fat cells fill with water, you show no weight loss.

    One day, after two or three weeks of strict diets, you binge/crash and eat a ton of carbs (like donuts).

    Your body needs a ton of water to process these extra carbs and to replenish your glycogen stores, so it gets it from your fat cells.

    Voila, instant 3+lb plus change in body weight.

    You can fluctuate a few pounds day to day based on your water and glycogen stores, and considering you're a woman, it's even worse for you.

    Here, read this:

    Also, this is why bodybuilders will incorporate "carb ups" into their diets.