Eating Your Burned Calories Vs. Not Eating Them

Hello! So, I've read LOTS on the whole should you or should you not eat your burned calories and I'd have to say I'm just so confused about the whole thing! I would just like to know everyone's personal experience with this and their weight loss. As a total, I've lost 10lbs (6 weeks), but I'm already stuck. Yikes right! I was only eating 1200 calories a day (as instructed by MFP) and I was doing an hour to an hour and a half of pretty intense cardio 3-5 times a week (Burning about 800-1000 calories) and I wasn't eating those calories back.. Maybe a couple hundred, but that's it and certainly not every time! You'd think I'd be losing a lot more by now. I've recently started eating more in fear my body went into starvation mode and I'm going to try to eat at least half of those calories back (I literally just started this today), but I wanted to get people's personal experience on this. I'm one of those guilty eaters.. I'm dieting so I should feel hungry, right? That's my mind set anyways, so eating 1500-1800 a day is pretty tough for me.

Also, feel free to add me. I only have a few friends on here and it would be nice to have more support. Thanks in advance for all the help and input! =)


  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    as part of my major i had to take a nutrition class. there was a specific chapter on weight loss...yadda...and it said to make sure you dont eat back those calories you worked to burn as you could sabatoge weight loss..i wish i could remember the exact phrasing..but thats it.

    the book is called 'understanding nutrition'. a college textbook

    oh ps..starvation mode is a myth. no scientific proof it happens..but plenty that it doesnt.