Quit smoking - Gained weight!

Gave up smoking at the beginning of the year, I was only a light smoker but it certainly curbed my appetite. Before quitting I was already 18lbs over my ideal and now I have 36lbs to lose. I have been using mfp for the past 3 days and it really is helping me control the amount I eat. It's quite shocking when you see the amount of calories/fat in some foods and mfp definitely encourages you to chose a healthier option so you can eat more food. I love food, especially now it tastes better. I have followed many diets in the past, hopefully I can make mfp a way of life rather than the latest fad.


  • xjulesjx
    xjulesjx Posts: 75 Member
    well done for stopping smoking

    It's something I need to try and do aswell :)

  • lisalu1202
    lisalu1202 Posts: 30 Member
    Thanks at least mfp is giving me something else to focus on.
  • JodieElijah
    JodieElijah Posts: 136 Member
    Congrats on quitting smoking!

    I quit in February and have now been 68 days smoke free :) (yay me!!). I put on around 8kgs when I first quit, which was shocking! But i'm working on losing it all now :) Best of luck to you!
  • 714rah714
    714rah714 Posts: 759 Member
    Best thing you could have ever done for your health, congratulations
  • Marquism123
    Marquism123 Posts: 152 Member
    Congratulations on quitting! I am 1 year smoke free now and still working on shifting the 14lb I gained!! It's a fantastic motivator to stay stopped though - if you start smoking again you know you get to keep the weight gain!! And then at some point, you will have to quit again and -hey presto!- another 14 pounds on! I WILL NEVER LET THAT HAPPEN!! Good luck
  • lisalu1202
    lisalu1202 Posts: 30 Member
    You guys are all so friendly on here and it's amazing to see how much weight you have all lost. I fell a bit like 'billy no mates' please add me as a friend. I'm not a weirdo. promise, just a normal 40 year old mum of 2.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    it's probably the extra money in your wallet/purse causing the weight gain. :tongue:
    congrats on quitting!
  • jarrodleeray
    jarrodleeray Posts: 8 Member
    Good effort giving up, I gave up over a year ago now and never looked back, be as strong minded with your food control as you are with your smoking.

    Dont let it rule you, you RULE IT

  • beckylou66
    beckylou66 Posts: 103 Member
    Congrats on quitting!!! I ended a 2 yr relationship about 8 wks ago and have gained, gained, gained..... Guess I'm gonna need to focus on something different as well :tongue: :drinker:
  • lilyjay_
    lilyjay_ Posts: 86
    Congratulations for quitting! I've been smokefree for 10 months today, best thing ever!! Just get exercising, go for a walk or something if/when you get cravings instead of replacing it with food :)
  • tania2287
    tania2287 Posts: 236 Member
    Congrats l gave up about 4 months ago and have not looked back..Just loving how l feel when l wake up in the morning...now able to get up at 6am..before l was having lots of trouble getting out of bed..now l do not..I am able to exersice and loving that too..
  • emma110984
    emma110984 Posts: 124 Member
    I quit smoking, and within a year and a half I had put on 5 stone! Glad that you have realised earlier than I did... keep up the good work! It's hard... but you'll get there!
  • lisalu1202
    lisalu1202 Posts: 30 Member
    It's amazing how easy it is to put weight on, shame its not so easy to lose it.
  • lisalu1202
    lisalu1202 Posts: 30 Member
    2012 is about new starts, time to put ourselves first for a change :happy: :happy:
  • well done you! I quit 10 months ago and also had a major op so put on around 3 stone, but have managed to nearly lose 1 of them already - keep going! xxx
  • Pink231
    Pink231 Posts: 9
    Huge well done to you!!!!! Ive been stopped for 3 months now and been living on junk food ever since lol!!! Im hoping this is going to help me manage my food, im on day 3 and loving it so far! Feel free to add me!!!!! xxx