Kids: Should they get involved?



  • aewalk07
    aewalk07 Posts: 51 Member
    I say let them get involved. It will be a great learning experience for them. My sister in law has four kids, those kids are so active they just did a triathlon. I think re-enforcing to your kids that they are healthy that they don't need to lose weight, but living a healthy lifestyle will help them maintain their healthy weight. They will use the tools you give them for life. I wish my parents had done this with me. I played soccer and ran track but not until I was a sophomore in high school, and it was because I wanted to do it. They never pushed me. I was healthy then, but after kids I gained weight. and here I am. I think you are on the right track for their own success later in life. They will remember and know good foods, and exercise.
  • RachelsReboot
    RachelsReboot Posts: 569 Member
    Well I am probably going to go against the grain here. I haven't read most of the posts and my kids are a little bit older. While you already know the answer on the activity part, I do NOT think it's bad for children to learn now how to read nutrition labels and learn what is healthy and what is not. I take my kids grocery shopping with me, and while they eat 70% of what I do, since my diet is so restrictive, I want THEM to pick the rest of what they eat and I want them to make sound nutritional choices. My daughter will pick apples and peanut butter over fruit roll ups or some other snack any day, not because I've told her to but because she is learning to make better choices. I don't think you will make them obsessive, I think you will make them conscious and healthy. Look at the way kids eat now, and the way a lot of parents eat. It's because they don't know any different, they weren't taught. The earlier they learn something the more it will stick in their mind. You have the opportunity now, while they are young to teach them valuable information that they will carry on to the ages where they start to make their own choices, why would you pass that up?
  • MelanieAG05
    MelanieAG05 Posts: 359 Member
    I think what you are doing is right and the fact that you are aware of any potential "obsession" you are less likely to let that happen to your kids. I think it is great for kids to become involved in exercising with parents as long as they see it as fun! I have a 5 year old son and he has just learned to cycle his bike with no stabilisers. He cycles and I run and he loves it - especially when I can't keep up with him lol.