When I see things like this, I want to shake people...



  • toniRAD
    toniRAD Posts: 196 Member
    It drives me crazy when they ask for people's opinions & help, you tell them what's healthy & good ideas, yet they still post about all the ridiculous things they're doing to get in shape.
  • boggsmeister
    boggsmeister Posts: 292 Member
    Can you honestly say you have never tried a fad diet? I have. That's why I'm on here, because they don't work. But most people have to find out the hard way. (Like me!)

    Actually yes. I've never tried a fad diet. I have, however, tried the diet and fall off the wagon and gain more weight because I was eating WAAYYY to few calories. I honestly had no idea. MFP has really helped that for me.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I hate when I see people do things like this. You could have at least blocked out her picture too.

    I can agree with you that celery and hot sauce does not sound very appetizing.
  • saintspoon
    saintspoon Posts: 242 Member
    I hate when I see people do things like this. You could have at least blocked out her picture too.

    I can agree with you that celery and hot sauce does not sound very appetizing.

    but then this topic wouldn't be nearly as awesome without the pic :devil:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,112 Member
    I don't really understand why anyone posts anywhere about their food choices, unless asked. Who cares, really?
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Can you honestly say you have never tried a fad diet? I have. That's why I'm on here, because they don't work. But most people have to find out the hard way. (Like me!)

    Been there, done that & got the t-shirt (but it's too big for me now :laugh: )
  • Jessamine
    Jessamine Posts: 226 Member
    Can you honestly say you have never tried a fad diet? I have. That's why I'm on here, because they don't work. But most people have to find out the hard way. (Like me!)

    Haha. Of course! I tried the lemonade and cayenne pepper diet for about a week or so. I ended up with a terrible UTI; the first one in my life. It scared me.

    I've never done anything like that again. I just imagine what these fad diets do to your body and it makes me cringe.
  • diybride
    diybride Posts: 16
    These kind of diet ideas make me so sad a I remember when I would lurk on pro ana and pro mia websites (pro-anorexia and pro bulimia). I'm in therapy now and on my way to a normal life, losing weight I gained after I stopped purging and now I am doing it the healthy way. These kind of restrictive diets can lead to all sorts of bad things and it's scares me.
  • onedayillbeamilf
    onedayillbeamilf Posts: 966 Member

    This girl has been tiny her whole life (like 5' 1'' and 100lbs tiny) and tries the most ridiculously unhealthy short-term diets! After being on MFP I just want to go, "NNOOOOOO! DOOOON'T!" But alas, she is allowed to do what she wants, and I'm not going to get up in her biznizz.

    Do you ever just want to reach out and grab someone when you see them trying to lose weight in ridiculous fad diet ways?

    I'm sure she appreciates you staying out of her business. Good thing posting her picture and first name in a public forum telling everyone her height, weight, and how she always tries ridiculous things isn't being up in her business. I wish I had trusty friends like you in my life.
  • michelgem
    michelgem Posts: 18

    This girl has been tiny her whole life (like 5' 1'' and 100lbs tiny) and tries the most ridiculously unhealthy short-term diets! After being on MFP I just want to go, "NNOOOOOO! DOOOON'T!" But alas, she is allowed to do what she wants, and I'm not going to get up in her biznizz.

    Do you ever just want to reach out and grab someone when you see them trying to lose weight in ridiculous fad diet ways?

    I'm sure she appreciates you staying out of her business. Good thing posting her picture and first name in a public forum telling everyone her height, weight, and how she always tries ridiculous things isn't being up in her business. I wish I had trusty friends like you in my life.

    well said.
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    Celery and hot sauce is fine... if you're also having wings and bleu cheese.

    ^^^^ this

    why did there have to be mention of buffalo wings. At least I can't get actual buffalo wings here. Their version of hot wings is a little cayenne pepper sprinkled on top. I just hope I can MAINTAIN my weigh the month I am back in the States.

    As for the actual topic of the thread. I have a relative, she tells me she wants to loose 10 pounds so bad. But she can't exercise because it hurts too bad even though all her doctors have told her the only way to make her condition better is to exercise a little each day. Not like a marathon work out but a walk around the block or something. She says she doesn't understand how she's gaining weight because she doesn't eat so much, that she probably consumes 1200-1400 calories a day and then tells me how she doesn't like water so she drinks 2 quarts of sweet tea a day and that's her water (and she was surprised when she got kidney stones. At least the doctor was able to tell her that was not healthy) She also drinks coke and Gatorade all day. Then she says "but I can't help snacking at night and since I don't eat anything during the day I figure it's okay" and then talks about the pudding and jello cups, cookies, chips, crackers, PB&J, apple turnovers, etc. My God woman, eat a freaking apple, drink a glass of water. She has all kinds of digestive problems and then says "but McDonalds hamburgers are just fine, don't bother me at all. I got online and looked up my symptoms and I have decided I am allergic to gluten" I just wanted to say "HELLO!!! Hamburgers, bun, bread, gluten!" But she's not the type you can say these things to because you are just trying to bring her down and you don't understand her condition and how hard it is to be in pain all the time. She also complains about how poorly her dog is behaved but gives it treats all the time for no reason what so ever. Never took him to obedience school or even read a book or an internet article on how to train a dog. She complains that he's hyperactive but doesn't take him on walks. She said "I've tried, I put him in the little basket on my scooter to go for a walk and he just jumps out" yes, because he wants to run and play and burn off all that energy that puppies have and you're trying to keep him in a basket in a scooter. Notice how she thinks walk means on her electric scooter. I could go on but I won't.
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    i have an overweight friend who i love but her lifestyle choices really get to me sometimes. she has tried numerous diets like soups/shakes or that chili lemon juice crazyness that was all the rage for a while. she says she wants to do it to kick start her weight loss, like if she can see some fast results she will be more motivated to keep being healthy, but surprise surprise, it doesn't work. this girl loves pizza, beer, sandwiches and laying on the couch and doesn't believe in "depriving" herself of anything. which is totally her choice but she also has problems with depression and i just KNOW that she would be feeling better if she did some exercise regularly. she also has problems finding guys (at least ones that she likes that like her back), i think sadly she goes more for the gym type guys and they usually want a more healthy girl i guess...

    Are we friends with the ssame person LOL.

    But seriously to the OP, really any kind of fad diets makes me want to shake people, some of them are so so ridiculous. Just can't understand why people always want the quick fix solution, and how they think it will actually last. There is only one way to lose weight, it takes time, it takes work, it takes commitment, and it takes a lifestyle change, not just a "diet". As a bonus, you also get fit and health at the same time.

  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    anyone doing low carbs or low fat or ANY diet....i could punch them in the face.. seriously! (and i'm not a very violent person)
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Can you honestly say you have never tried a fad diet? I have. That's why I'm on here, because they don't work. But most people have to find out the hard way. (Like me!)

    I haven't...
  • Aleara2012
    Aleara2012 Posts: 225 Member
    Unfortunately, we cannot control others, only ourselves.

    ^ This, although I would probably say 'fortunately'. :)