

  • sollyn
    sollyn Posts: 179
    Your cat sounds hilarious! I have an 18 year old cat that is a bit hap hazard and won't pee or poop in a tray that has been used once. I therefore have 3 litter trays in one room and have to shut her in that single room when we are not in the house. Then the only thing we generally have to collect of the floor is poop! The joys of cat ownership, but I love her dearly and will so miss her when she is gone!
    I am thinking of fostering cats when she is gone. For people who have to go into hospital, or a home or suddenly get called away. But not if they will start spraying all over my house!

    But I could love your cat!

    I hope it is something that you can sort out.
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Does your litter box have a canopy/lid on it? My cat won/t use it without the top on, I guess wanting to feel secure and private.
  • hillary124
    hillary124 Posts: 112
    We got kitty litter called something like Kitty Attract. And it worked! We also put a litter box upstairs and downstairs. My vet told us that sometimes kittens forget where they are and just go potty wherever, but if theyre near a litter box upstairs AND downstairs then theyll be able to remember to go in a box! Also, get shallow boxes for now, so he can easily jump in!
  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    My cats didn't like it when I would clean there litter boxes with strong chemicals. So I started using Tide and letting them air dry completely. Also try taking kitty to the vet could be an infection.

    Cats are funny, the big one would go on my husband's pants/chair if he took to long to clean his litter.