Emotional night time eating...



  • shellsie_j
    shellsie_j Posts: 132 Member
    I plan my day in the morning so that I know I have enough calories left to have some snacks. Also if you like low fat yoghurt I suggest that you freeze them and then it takes about a half an hour to chip wway at the yoghurt. It worked for me and I know that if I plan the day then I just can't go over. Once I have reached my calorie goal THAT"S IT. If you want to lose weight you have to realise that it is your mind that will be the hardest thing that you have to work on. If you eat the right foods you can feel full. I'm not saying it's easy, it's a lifetime of bad habits that we are going to change but you just have to work on it and have a positive attitude. It's not hunger that makes us want those night time snacks, we are not starving it is emotional and habit eating. Imagine a day when we conquer these bad habits and how good you will feel without the guilt of overeating. Good luck and remember that it takes time and it is only after about 2 months of me being on MFP that I am finally developing new habits that will stand me in good stead for the rest of my life.
  • msliu7911
    msliu7911 Posts: 639 Member
    Guilty. Absolutely guilty. It's something about putting the kids to bed; I finally have some me time and I don't know what to do with myself, so I tend to mindlessly eat. I have managed to avoid doing this for about a week now. I drink hot tea in the evening and read a book to calm my mind from thinking about other stresses. Good luck!

    I think this is a great idea.

    Also- Try to start catching yourself in the act and stop yourself. Then think to yourself "am I really hungry?" "why am I eating?". Address the root of the problem... pull yourself away from the kitchen so you don't have the opportunity to eat away your stresses/loneliness/sadness.

    Maybe once you put the kids down for bed, make that your exercise time- or book time- or even like some others said... brush your teeth and get ready for bed yourself. If you can't start to tackle this on your own but still recognize it as a problem, there is no harm in going to talk to a counselor about it. It will make a world of difference and there is nothing wrong with talking to someone about it. Its a big first step but nobody can help you if you can't first help yourself..... so just be honest and don't be afraid to seek help. This is something that is serious and can hold you back from other important things you should be enjoying... if it is not addressed.

    Good luck!
  • chickentunashake
    chickentunashake Posts: 165 Member
    Everything is in your mind. If you can convince your mind that your body is an engine and just needs fuel when is empty, after while you won't even think about snacks. It takes practice, but it is possible. If you think you hungry, try to wait another 20 min and if you still want to eat, that means your body needs it. If your body doesn't need no fuel, you won't be b hungry anymore and then you know it was just your mind craving food.