I Binged Really Bad Last Night.....



  • Tashry
    Tashry Posts: 151 Member
    Everybody reacts differently to a break up. You are entitled to feel a little down and it's natural for many of us to turn to the comfort of food. After all, that's why many of us are here in the first place.

    I just left my husband last month after 10 years together and my choice was to use this opportunity to create a new life for myself in every way. Rather than feel overcome, I have taken control and am eating better than ever and working our hard. It makes me feel GOOD which is what I deserve. And seeing the hard work pay off reminds me that I am a strong woman and can get through anything.

    You'll get through this. You will. Add me if you like - I'm happy to lend an ear anytime.
    J3SSP3NNY Posts: 235
    Awww hun. Binging happens! Its not something to be ashamed of and the scale going up 4lbs is NOT from your binge. Be good to yourself. Binges happen. Best thing you can do for yourself is accept that you did it, move on, and do better next time.

    DON'T starve yourself because you binged. EVER.

    As hard as it will be, working out is the best thing you can do for yourself. It makes those endorphines kick in. And don't be afraid to take a little bit of time out of your day to be sad. It's important to mourn your loss.

    Everything will be ok :)
  • Today is a new day! Get back on track and pat yourself on the back for leaving that unhealthy relationship. LOVE YOURSELF FIRST!
  • stownes66
    stownes66 Posts: 23
    Break ups can be hard no matter what the length of time was. Don't beat yourself up over the binge just deal with your emotions of the break up and the binging will go away. Continue to exercise it can be a great way to relieve stress, anger, and anxiety and can actually make you feel a little better about yourself and the situation.

    Today is a new day make the best of it for yourself:flowerforyou:
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    Aw girl, I'm sorry you had to go through that. It will most likely be better for you in the long run not having a bad relationship weighing you down while you're going through your life changes.

    One night of binging is not going to be the end of your commitment. I wouldn't even see it as a set back! You did what your body wanted you to do at the time and you'll be able to work off whatever came of it with no problem! Just remember to take care of yourself. You are worth it!
  • Here is a little saying I have posted everywhere.
    Let's be realistic here.
    You won't drop two jean sizes in one day.
    You won't lose fifty pounds in one month.
    You're going to binge every now and then.
    You will go a day or two without working out.
    Your weight is going to flucuate here and there.
    You're going to try new techniques, and they're not going to work.
    You're a human being.
    You're going to fail.
    But nothing great is ever accomplished without a few obstacles.
    JUST KEEP GOING!!!!!!!!!:wink:
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Thank you everybody!!!

  • staceyGO
    staceyGO Posts: 376
    Do you watch biggest loser? Last night one of the contestants had a meltdown and ate some of the worst things I have ever seen. If somebody surrounded by support at the biggest loser ranch can have a set back, it is very easy for use normal folk too. Hang in there friend. :happy:
  • DietingMommy08
    DietingMommy08 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Do you watch biggest loser? Last night one of the contestants had a meltdown and ate some of the worst things I have ever seen. If somebody surrounded by support at the biggest loser ranch can have a set back, it is very easy for use normal folk too. Hang in there friend. :happy:

    I dont watch the biggest loser but that is very true. :o)
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    ((((HUGS)))). Don't beat yourself up over it. Today is a new day. Your 1 day binge didnt do much, dont worry. And im so sorry about the breakup. They are so tough. I'm going to add you as a friend. If you need to talk send me a message :)