I am 5'6", 128 pounds. I was at 123 before Christmas, and stopped MFP for the holidays. I would like to get back down to where I was, but the scale is not budging. I work out 2-5 times a week moderate/high impact most of the time, sometimes just a walk or elliptical. I don't always eat back my exercise calories, but that is so I can save some calories for the weekends. Does it even work that way? I have it set currently to lose 2 lbs/week, and eat 1200 calories/day. I have been doing it for 2 weeks now, and while I went over my weekly calorie allotment last week, I was still below my "maintain" calories, so the scale should have budged a little! This week, I have been very good and have had lot sof calories left to buffer any bad days this weekend.

So, what I really need to know is:
1. Is it realistic for me to use the lose 2 lbs/week rate? Should I change to .5 lbs/week or 1 pound/week maybe?
2. Is it still effective to not eat back my exercise calories each day, but save them for the weekends? I don't necessarily splurge on the weekends... I still eat healthy, but I may throw in some beers!



  • Also, my diary is public, so feel free to look through!
  • RunFatGuyRun
    RunFatGuyRun Posts: 64 Member
    I am 5'6", 128 pounds. I was at 123 before Christmas, and stopped MFP for the holidays. I would like to get back down to where I was, but the scale is not budging. I work out 2-5 times a week moderate/high impact most of the time, sometimes just a walk or elliptical. I don't always eat back my exercise calories, but that is so I can save some calories for the weekends. Does it even work that way? I have it set currently to lose 2 lbs/week, and eat 1200 calories/day. I have been doing it for 2 weeks now, and while I went over my weekly calorie allotment last week, I was still below my "maintain" calories, so the scale should have budged a little! This week, I have been very good and have had lot sof calories left to buffer any bad days this weekend.

    So, what I really need to know is:
    1. Is it realistic for me to use the lose 2 lbs/week rate? Should I change to .5 lbs/week or 1 pound/week maybe?
    2. Is it still effective to not eat back my exercise calories each day, but save them for the weekends? I don't necessarily splurge on the weekends... I still eat healthy, but I may throw in some beers!


    What type of excercise or workout program are you doing? If you're using weights you might also be adding muscle and therefore won't see immediate weight loss. I would keep doing what your doing and you will see a difference.
  • You can't possibly be set to lose 2lbs a week. I'm 5"6 135lbs and the most I can lose is 1lb a week.
  • girl i know how you feel anything i try i keep gaining weight even sensa didnt work
  • What type of excercise or workout program are you doing? If you're using weights you might also be adding muscle and therefore won't see immediate weight loss. I would keep doing what your doing and you will see a difference.

    i do turbokick 1-3 times/week, i do a cardio/weights class once a week, and every other week i do a pure weights class. some weeks my body feels too worn out from working out at a more high impact level, so i will take a break and just go for walks or use the elliptical. i try to change it up.
  • all4derby
    all4derby Posts: 55

    So, what I really need to know is:
    1. Is it realistic for me to use the lose 2 lbs/week rate? Should I change to .5 lbs/week or 1 pound/week maybe?
    2. Is it still effective to not eat back my exercise calories each day, but save them for the weekends? I don't necessarily splurge on the weekends... I still eat healthy, but I may throw in some beers!


    This is a guess, but I think it might have some accuracy to it... You're already at a pretty healthy weight and now you're putting this decent deficit into your calories and so your body is holding on to every ounce thinking there is a food shortage, on top of the exercise you're doing.

    I think adjusting to .5lb/week makes much more sense. I also don't *think* that the way that you are eating your calories makes a big difference as long as you are eating back those calories each week, but I bet you would see better results if you ate them back as you expended them. I don't know how often you weigh in, but you could try checking your weight on Friday morning, before you eat back exercise calories, and again on Monday and compare.
  • ok, changing to half pound/week! i feel like i'm eating way too many calories, but we will see how it goes!!