BMI....What a lie!



  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I wasn't sure which board to put this under...but I wanted to at least put it out there. How much weight should I actually be losing? If I go by my BMI it says that a healthy weight for me is something like 155 pounds. I really don't know where that number would actually put me. I know that muscle is heavier than it's possible to be "over weight" and still be healthy, but which should I be? As it stands right now I want to lose at least another 20lbs to put me at 165. HELP!!!

    Some bodybuilders come up on the "obese" part of the chart, when in actual fact they are far from obese, they are just large because of their training.

    This is why it is difficult to take the BMI thing seriously IMO.

    Is there nowhere you could get your bodyfat percentage taken? If you popped along to a gym and asked them, they might be able to use the callipers on you to measure it and even if it were not 100% accurate, I feel it is a lot more accurate the BMI.
  • lsapphire
    lsapphire Posts: 297 Member
    Biggest problem with BMI is insurance companies. You would think it was carved in stone, it is like a book in the Bible for them.
  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    mate forget BMI, what an out dated load of bollocks!

    PMSL Beduff! :D
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    BMI says I should be no more than 194.7lbs, calculating my lean body mass by measurements says I have a lean body mass of 196lb.

    BMI is a calculation to fit Mr/Mrs average, I am not Mr average.
  • Lord007
    Lord007 Posts: 338 Member
    Is there nowhere you could get your bodyfat percentage taken? If you popped along to a gym and asked them, they might be able to use the callipers on you to measure it and even if it were not 100% accurate, I feel it is a lot more accurate the BMI.

    Like so many others here, focus on your body fat percentage. That is your true measure of your progress. Many competitive body builders will have 3-5% BF at the time of competition, but BMI would have them far above that.
    Calipers are great when you can find them, but that can be difficult since many gyms won't have them. You can also get a decent read on your BF% by using one of those scales that measures BF% via bioelectrical impedence or a similar device.

  • Candi8099
    Candi8099 Posts: 178 Member
    BMI is a complete waste....... When I started I weighed 560 lbs. and had a BMI of 74...... (They don't even list I guy my size on that chart) and today I am currently 23 lbs. lighter than when I played defensive end my senior year of football back in 88.... And my BMI is now 33.64 which says: Individuals with a BMI of 30-34.99 are in a physically unhealthy condition, which puts them at risk for serious ilnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, gall bladder disease, and some cancers. Take a look at my picture below, and tell me if this BMI crap holds any weight??? lol


    YOU LOOK AMAZING!! I couldn't even imagine how hard that was. Nice work on keeping your eye on the prize!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    P.S. - BMI IS crap, lol
  • gaylelynnmc
    I am with you on this...I have a daughter who weighs 123 lbs, 5'5" and considered overweight...that is total bs...she is very active and a vegan....very healthy. I am going by my weight loss and how I feel thru exercise and diet!
  • Srmmelson
    Srmmelson Posts: 31
    That helps out a lot! Thanks!
  • wildboar1
    wildboar1 Posts: 88
    BMI was invented in the middle 1800's for use in social statistics. It was never meant to be a diagnostic tool for doctors or for diagnosing obesity.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I am with you on this...I have a daughter who weighs 123 lbs, 5'5" and considered overweight...that is total bs...she is very active and a vegan....very healthy. I am going by my weight loss and how I feel thru exercise and diet!

    I just put that into a calculator. That's normal weight by BMI.

    A lot of people on this thread are also not accounting for the fact that when you lose weight, especially significant amounts, you will lose muscle. So sure right now your lean mass might be too high to get to the BMI weight, but it will decrease. I think that while it is a statistic and not a bible, too many people think that they aren't average. I'm sorry, but not everybody is a special butterfly. I'm not saying that BMI should be everyone's goal, but I do think that in the statistical sense, risk of disease is increased with increased BMI and if you can get into that range healthily, maybe you ought to.

    That said, BMI puts me at the top end of normal and BF% puts me as "fitness." So yeah, I like the body fat % classification better, but the BMI isn't wrong, I have at least another 10 pounds I can healthily lose.

    Ultimately, you have to decide what works best for you
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    BMI was invented in the middle 1800's for use in social statistics. It was never meant to be a diagnostic tool for doctors or for diagnosing obesity.

    Obesity is defined by BMI. This is a semantic argument. I agree that the common usage now was not the original intent, but on a population basis, those with a higher BMI have higher risks and as long as that is true, why not try to lower your weight as much as you safely can to avoid being in a higher risk pool.
  • wildboar1
    wildboar1 Posts: 88
    BMI was invented in the middle 1800's for use in social statistics. It was never meant to be a diagnostic tool for doctors or for diagnosing obesity.

    Obesity is defined by BMI. This is a semantic argument. I agree that the common usage now was not the original intent, but on a population basis, those with a higher BMI have higher risks and as long as that is true, why not try to lower your weight as much as you safely can to avoid being in a higher risk pool.

    Bodyfat % is a much more accurate way of measuring obesity. BMI is vague and flawed.

    Arnold at his peak competition weight at 6% BF was morbidly obese according to his BMI. That alone signifies it's inherent flaws.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    BMI is just a guide.

    According to the BMI scale my husband is overweight, but he genuinely starts to look too thin once he goes under 175lb as he has a large and muscular frame.

    I think if u are well built u need to aim towards the higher end of it, and if you are slight then aim towards the lower end. It definitely doesn't take into account a bodybuilder with 200lb of muscle for example which is why it's inaccurate in a lot of cases.