Drinking Diet Sodas



  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    I've been doing a little research on this, because I drink A LOT of diet coke, and so does my family. Since I started looking into it, though, I've cut back significantly. There seems to be a lot of evidence popping up that not only is pop just bad for you in general (even for your teeth...) aspartame itself does some pretty wacky things to your brain. As for the weight loss... most people generally agree that having something sweet without calories will actually make it harder to lose weight.

    My suggestion is this.... do a little research of your own. Talk to a nutritionist and doctor, or even just google "diet coke" and "health". Each of us needs to make our own choices on what we put into our bodies... none of us can tell you one way or the other what is best for you.

    excellent advice....I used to drink 4-8 cans of diet coke a day, now it's one can every other day, eventually i'll cut it all out, but not yet, and i've switched to diet decaf coke. I don't smoke, drink, drive fast, rob banks or steal candy from babies, so I figure I can have this one little "bad" indulgence..lol

    you would be better off robbing banks baby

    wanna join me?? you can be my Clyde?:laugh: :laugh:

    I LOVE my diet coke....so :tongue: and I know water is better..blah blah blah...:laugh:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    I was also told that it turns into fermaldihyde (I don't think that I spelled that right...) which is what they use to embolme (again spelling?) things! YIKES!!!:noway: :noway: :noway:
    Your body naturally has formaldehyde in it whether you consume aspartame or not. There are plenty of reasons not to drink diet soda (I haven't had any since May '08), but that isn't one of them.
  • Beppy8
    Beppy8 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you to everyone who gave me advice. I agree that soda has no redeeming qualities and I really don't need the caffiene or carbonation. I never really drank diet soda that much anyway, so it won't be too hard to cut out. I do feel better when I am not drinking it and just sticking with water. Thanks again for everyone taking the time to respond.