Hi I'm new :)

Hi everyone! I started MFP on Monday and I'm loving it so far. I'm 31 year old, currently 5'4" and a miserable 193 pounds. I've struggled with my weight ever since puberty hit, and it's just recently (within the past year) gotten really bad. I've been between 160 and 170 pounds ever since I got done wih college, and after a health issue last year, I got put on some medication that ballooned me all the way up to almost 200 pounds. I'm still on some of the medication, but I'm watching it closely and with MFP, I'm confident that I can lose all the weight I want to lose. I'm tired of making excuses and I'm tired of being unhappy. I'd LOVE to get down to 130 pounds, but honestly, 140 would make me very, very happy. I'd love some friends on here, so if you're so inclined, please send me a request, and hopefully, we can motivate each other!


  • foss44
    foss44 Posts: 119 Member
    Just sent you a friend request
  • KSimmarano
    KSimmarano Posts: 12 Member
    I'm realtively new to MFP, but I'm no stranger to diet and excesize. I work as an Aquatics Director for a YMCA so I know a good deal about what I should do, but I have been under a lot of stress and have been doing the opposite. I have also lost 50+ lbs doing weight watchers a few years ago. I had just given birht to twins and I had to go on prednisone and gained an extra 28 lbs on top of the pregnancy weight. I really liked thier plan. I was sensable and reasonable.

    Over the last 10 years my weight has fluctuated a little, but this last year it got a little out of control. I wanted to re-join WW, but I honestly cant afford it right now and the plan is more complicated now too. So I thought I'd give this a try. I really like it so far and the price is definately right.

    It looks like we weight about the same right now, only I'm almsot 5'8". I still have at least 20 lbs till my body is happier and 36 lbs to get to the healthy BMI... I'm better at motivating others than I am myself. If you'd like the support...