Saggy Skin??

So im aiming to loose 115lbs total (maybe 130lbs) im 21 and my main problem area is around my middle

im only a couple of weeks in but im so determined!!!

there s no doubt i am committed to this i want to be healthier and more active, however i am concerned about saggy/loose skin??
I dont think id ever be able to afford surgery if it came to it and i no there are many options.

do you guys have any tips on how best to deal with this if and when i comes?? is there anything i can start doing now to prevent this??

vitamins etc.

be nice!


  • boo333
    boo333 Posts: 53 Member
    you are young your skin will bounce back. :smile:
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    Losing weight slowly, eating well, drinking lots of water, and incorporating a good amount of strength training will all help with the skin issue. Plus, being young is a good thing. Genetics will play a role, too.

    Vitamins C, A, E and K and B-complex vitamins are all important to skin health. Incorporate selenium, copper and zinc into your diet.

    That being said - you're most likely going to have loose skin. There's just no way of preventing it altogether when you're losing that much weight.

    People will say things like cocoa butter, other creams, etc... don't get your hopes up. You can do well by what I mention above, but be prepared to accept the fact that it's probably unavoidable.
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    you are young your skin will bounce back. :smile:

    ^^^Falsehood. It will probably recover somewhat - but just being young doesn't work miracles. Losing 100+ pounds will lead to having some loose/saggy skin. Period.
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    :grumble: :sad: :sad: :sad:
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    I'm no expert. I've got some loose skin myself. Not much you can do when you're trying to lose a lot of weight.

    Being young will help. I would also strongly recommend that when you're about halfway to your goal you start to incorporate strength training into your routine (if not sooner). This will be a huge help. Don't worry about looking like a female bodybuilder, you won't. It'll help you have the exact kind of body you're looking for.

    If you just do cardio you'll lose weight but also muscle and you'll start to look saggy. So don't be afraid to pick up some weights!
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    Eat well, stay hydrated, moisturize, exercise (including **strength training**), and BE PATIENT (oh, and hope for the best, as age and genetics will also play a big role)!

    I've been very fortunate - I don't have a lot, but what I do have is on my lower tummy area. I don't like it, but I'd rather have saggy skin than have that skin filled up with fat again.

    Also, I've heard it can take a while for your skin to "bounce back" after weight loss, and I have noticed that my loose skin is already less noticeable than it was a couple of months ago. I doubt it will fully go away, but it may get better.
  • princessruthiebelle
    princessruthiebelle Posts: 165 Member
    I'm no expert. I've got some loose skin myself. Not much you can do when you're trying to lose a lot of weight.

    Being young will help. I would also strongly recommend that when you're about halfway to your goal you start to incorporate strength training into your routine (if not sooner). This will be a huge help. Don't worry about looking like a female bodybuilder, you won't. It'll help you have the exact kind of body you're looking for.

    If you just do cardio you'll lose weight but also muscle and you'll start to look saggy. So don't be afraid to pick up some weights!

    ill get pink dumbels :laugh:
  • princessruthiebelle
    princessruthiebelle Posts: 165 Member
    you are young your skin will bounce back. :smile:

    ^^^Falsehood. It will probably recover somewhat - but just being young doesn't work miracles. Losing 100+ pounds will lead to having some loose/saggy skin. Period.

    yeah i know it wont go back completley! ive been a 'big' girl all my life so i know there will be some! i dont ever plan on wearing a bikini anyway lol i burn to easily :ohwell:
  • sherri85
    sherri85 Posts: 148 Member
    you are young your skin will bounce back. :smile:
    this ^^ You are young and your skin still has alot of elaciticity so I think you will be surprised at how it will firm up with exercise.. I have been told all my life if you loose the weight before 30 you will be ok so you should be good.. :flowerforyou:
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I've been concerned about this, as well, as I wear all my weight around my middle. Thanks for posting this!
  • princessruthiebelle
    princessruthiebelle Posts: 165 Member

    thanks that was alot of help!!!! ive saved the article :):flowerforyou:
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    ill get pink dumbels :laugh:

    Nope. You'll be at a gym with a heavy bar across your back straining to try and squat 160lbs.

    I'm sure you don't believe me now. But if you really want to work at looking better, one day you'll look back and laugh at the thought of pink dumbells.
  • 7funnygirl7
    7funnygirl7 Posts: 1,176
    I'm no expert. I've got some loose skin myself. Not much you can do when you're trying to lose a lot of weight.

    Being young will help. I would also strongly recommend that when you're about halfway to your goal you start to incorporate strength training into your routine (if not sooner). This will be a huge help. Don't worry about looking like a female bodybuilder, you won't. It'll help you have the exact kind of body you're looking for.

    If you just do cardio you'll lose weight but also muscle and you'll start to look saggy. So don't be afraid to pick up some weights!
    What would be a reasonable amount to start with?? :smile:
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    What would be a reasonable amount to start with?? :smile:

    Again, not an expert. So please take anything I say with a ton of salt and then drink water.

    For a woman who's new to lifting I'd suggest starting with just the bar. It's 45lbs as it is and a good place for novice lifters.

    I recommend looking up Stronglifts 5x5 or New Rules of Lifting for Women. These are both very good and frequently recommended routines.

    Plus chicks lifting heavy are hot!! :love:
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I am not one to sugar coat things, that being said it really is going to depend on your unique situation... There are alot of factors that will come into play on whether you do or don't have the loose skin.... Your age, Starting weight, How much you lost, How fast you lost it, Exercising with weights and cardio to help tighten things up... I am 41 and have lost 305 lbs. for the most part areas of my body (Arms, Neck, Chest) that I thought would require skin surgery have done well on there own but other areas (Torso, inner thighs) are way out of my control. I will be having surgery (going to be scheduling for June) to remove upwards of 20+ lbs. of loose skin. (per my Surgeon), I am looking at the 360 total body lift. I paid off my truck now so I have been joking lately that I will just have a new truck payment for a few years minus the actual truck... Just don't let the thought of loose skin detour your goals of being healthy.. Just work hard and see how things go..... Good luck to you.........
  • princessruthiebelle
    princessruthiebelle Posts: 165 Member
    I am not one to sugar coat things, that being said it really is going to depend on your unique situation... There are alot of factors that will come into play on whether you do or don't have the loose skin.... Your age, Starting weight, How much you lost, How fast you lost it, Exercising with weights and cardio to help tighten things up... I am 41 and have lost 305 lbs. for the most part areas of my body (Arms, Neck, Chest) that I thought would require skin surgery have done well on there own but other areas (Torso, inner thighs) are way out of my control. I will be having surgery (going to be scheduling for June) to remove upwards of 20+ lbs. of loose skin. (per my Surgeon), I am looking at the 360 total body lift. I paid off my truck now so I have been joking lately that I will just have a new truck payment for a few years minus the actual truck... Just don't let the thought of loose skin detour your goals of being healthy.. Just work hard and see how things go..... Good luck to you.........

    thats amazing!!
    yeah thank you! i honestly would be horrible and wobbly, saving up for surgery than be a ridiculous weight like i am now
    hope your surgery goes well and is all you wish it to be :)
    guess i need to start sweating it out lol :)
  • NotGoddess
    NotGoddess Posts: 1,198 Member
    ill get pink dumbels :laugh:

    Nope. You'll be at a gym with a heavy bar across your back straining to try and squat 160lbs.

    I'm sure you don't believe me now. But if you really want to work at looking better, one day you'll look back and laugh at the thought of pink dumbells.
    I think she was joking. :)
    And everyone knows the Hello Kitty weights are superior to plain pink dumbbells because they are also filled with hugs. :)
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member

    I think she was joking. :)
    And everyone knows the Hello Kitty weights are superior to plain pink dumbbells because they are also filled with hugs. :)

    Baha!! :laugh:
  • EvEboEvie
    EvEboEvie Posts: 115 Member
    Losing weight slowly, eating well, drinking lots of water, and incorporating a good amount of strength training will all help with the skin issue. Plus, being young is a good thing. Genetics will play a role, too.

    Vitamins C, A, E and K and B-complex vitamins are all important to skin health. Incorporate selenium, copper and zinc into your diet.

    That being said - you're most likely going to have loose skin. There's just no way of preventing it altogether when you're losing that much weight.

    People will say things like cocoa butter, other creams, etc... don't get your hopes up. You can do well by what I mention above, but be prepared to accept the fact that it's probably unavoidable.

    ^^^ This. Also weight training helps.