Has anyone noticed?

JenniferMann24 Posts: 293
edited September 19 in Food and Nutrition
Have you noticed that the more you exercise the more your hungry? I have been doing extra exercise and Im starving all the time! Im trying to fill up on the good stuff but it just worries me taking in all the extra calories and things that come along with them.:noway:

What do you do?:grumble:


  • MonicaRod
    MonicaRod Posts: 56
    I too have noticed this!! Probably cause your body is using more energy and you need to replenish the stock..BUT i still worry...am i taking too many calories in? even if its healthy stuff like fruits and veggies?.
    i too would like to know the answer to this...:noway:
  • YourCatalyst429
    YourCatalyst429 Posts: 96 Member
    You need to consider food as fuel ...so in the case of more exercise you are burning more fuel and therefore need to fill up the tank per say.... simply put the more you work out the more you need to eat but be careful with choices. Your best bet is a high protein meal after a work out...like a can of tuna skip the mayo
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I too have noticed this!! Probably cause your body is using more energy and you need to replenish the stock..BUT i still worry...am i taking too many calories in? even if its healthy stuff like fruits and veggies?.
    i too would like to know the answer to this...:noway:

    can you rephrase the question? I mean, if you're under your maintenance + exercise calories for a day, you're under. ESPECIALLY if it's fruits and veggies.

    As to hunger, that never really happened to me. But everyone is different. If you had a really sedentary lifestyle before, I could see that happening, I never really did, I mean I was 55 lbs overweight, and I didn't do a ton of exercising in the winter and fall, but I was somewhat active. I guess if you went from completely inactive to active and eating right, your body would react in that sort of way.
  • jodazary
    jodazary Posts: 144 Member
    now im just the opposite the more i exercise the LESS i want to eat almost to the point of not wanting to eat at all i can go for a couple of days without getting hungry i know i know im supposed to eat and i have been since starting this program but it is usually forcing myself to do it
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I'm just the opposite, when I work out, I'm not as hungry. The days that I don't go to the gym, I could eat a horse
  • Jax67
    Jax67 Posts: 323 Member
    I'm just the opposite, when I work out, I'm not as hungry. The days that I don't go to the gym, I could eat a horse

    Snap... if i don't exercise i find i'm looking in the cupboards for something to eat.... so i exercise most days that way i stay focussed. :happy:
  • AJCM
    AJCM Posts: 2,169 Member
    Yes - if I workout 6 days a week, and really hard, I am starving. I also find I am hungrier with heavy strength training. My new thinking it to take things easier, and only workout hard 3 days a week, and then just keep active the rest of the week, and get some running in (I should note that am in maintenance).

    Pamela Anderson once said that she doesn't workout, because she's 5-10 lbs heavier when working out, because she's hungry all the time (not that Pamela Anderson is a really great example, just something I remember hearing!).
  • Some days Im so hungry I could eat a bus but some days I can't get my calories because I feel stuffed.

    I don't get it.:angry:
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    now im just the opposite the more i exercise the LESS i want to eat almost to the point of not wanting to eat at all i can go for a couple of days without getting hungry i know i know im supposed to eat and i have been since starting this program but it is usually forcing myself to do it

    I'm the exact same, and it gets even worse, because if I do get hungry, I usually have a big glass of water before each meal, that water alone, can make me full, and once again, not hungry.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    so there are 2 hormones that control hunger, ghrelin, which makes us hungry, and leptin (produced mostly by adipose fat cells), which suppresses hunger (there are others, but these are the two main ones).

    When we change our body chemistry (start to workout), depending on how our body has been treated in life, we react differently to the change. Some studies indicate moderate exercise is responsible for leptin suppression, effectivly increasing our desire to eat after. Other studies have concluded no such findings. There have, as yet, been no studies indicating exercise affecting ghrelin production.

    The other possibility is the mental aspect. Our minds are powerful controllers over our body functions, and as such, we may, subconsiously see the exercise as depleting our energy stores, thus triggering a false need for more food, which triggers the release of ghrelin in the stomach.

    What ever the cause, it's probably a false feeling of hunger, and doing something to take your mind off it, or throw it off, will be a good determinant. If you drink some water, then go shower, and are still hungry 20 to 30 minutes later, then it's probably real hunger, if you aren't then it was probably exercise induced.
  • Thanks Banks!

    I just love your info!:flowerforyou:
  • I find that if I stay hydrated during my workout I am less hungry after... I think that when I have not had enough water my body is actually 'thirsty' ... but I (clearly :laugh: ) assume it is hungry... try drinking a big glass of water and see if the urge to eat goes away... :wink: :drinker:
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