Help!!! I can't do this alone!

Hi, My name is Stacy. I'm 26 years old and 191lbs. All through school I was 120....until I got married and started college....yes a thte same time. Then my weight went crazy. I honestly never really had a problem with over eating but not eating enough. I work 12 hours shifts 3 nights a week and more often than not just forget to eat. Sine that my metabolism has just stopped. I also have PCOS wich doesn't help any. I would go into detail about the diseas but I'm sure many of you women on here know what I'm talking about. I have the "PCOS belly" as I call it. I've gained more weigh tin my stomache than I anywhere else and I'm sick of people thinkin I'm pregnant! I started MFP a few months ago, did really well and even lost 10 lbs just counting calories and making sure I ate enough everyday. Then I stopped. All of my friends are either skinny or just don't want to join with me. I have no support. My husband is sweet and more then willing to help me with food but still eats crap right in front of me! Anyway, the point of this post was to let you know a little bit about why I'm here and try to make some friends that can help encourage me when I get weak, wich I do frequently. My mom died from complications from PCOS wich caused a heart attack when I was nine. I don't want to die at 37 like her because I couldn't get my weight under control. Please help me guys.....i need MFP's!


  • mbgeek3
    mbgeek3 Posts: 2
    You should never feel alone. I just actually started MFP. I started losing weight last year after I lost everything in my life last year. My house, my job, my relationship of 10yrs... I thought I was losing all the support I could have in my life. But after about a month I realized I am my biggest supporter and it was time to take are of my self. So I started and I'm about 40lbs 45lbs on good days, down with a few more to go ;). But I came to know that I was my own worst enemy I let myself constantly fail or I always put everyone else first. It was a hard struggle to acknowledge that only I could help my self so I stopped letting the negative in. I stopped taking pictures of my self, I did away with mirrors in my house, I didn't buy any new clothes and I learned to love my self, without letting anything from my old self image stop me. As people were commenting on my weight loss. It built my self esteem in a way I wouldn't have imagined. I went from a size 24 to a size 16, and I'm comfortable. I look in the mirror and see me just me, with a smile. I could care less if anyone thinks I'm fat or ugly because I know how much I endured to make it to where I am, and my journey's not done. My group of friends are different and my life is different. When I first met my boyfriend he thought I was "hot" and he admired how I "took care" of my self with work outs and trying to eat right. No one would have ever thought that before. I did it mostly alone and it was hard. I'm glad you're reaching out to find support now, because you need it to help yourself. You are most important in your life. It took a hard lesson in life for me to learn that I'm the only one who will always be in my life. Plus, if you do have kids one day you want to teach them the same thing they are important and loved. Besides showing them healthy life habits. And you want to be around long enough to watch them grow. Became a person you admire, you will be unstoppable. P.S. Dieting in a relationship alone is never easy, and for me it never worked. Ask your husband to be a team with you and join MFP as well or ask him to be more sensitive to your struggle and eat things when your not around or in another room. Because your important
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    I'm 28 and 197. I also have PCOS and my father's side of the family has horrible heart disease, I even have a cousin who survived a heart attack at 25 so I can definitely relate to you. Please feel free to add me as a friend and we can help motivate each other!
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    Hi I am 40 had a total hysterectomy 5 years ago. Now I am 100 pounds overweight. you are NEVER alone and this is the BEST place to get your motivation from. Although hubby gets frustrated some nights when i sit and post to encourage everyone, he also knows that i have never stuck with it and made the life changes that I have so he backs down. I am only down 12 but to me it's TWELVE WOOHOO!!!. Welcome back and feel free to add me for support. best of luck to you
  • jpfost
    jpfost Posts: 194 Member
    You can add me, I have been thru the battle!