I'm New!!!!

Hi....Had lapband last October....Down 54 LBS ...Need help keepin on keepin on....:noway:


    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. This site is great, it is so supportive, helpful, motivational, and easy to use. I just wanted to tell you good luck on your weight loss journey. You can do this. :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    Welcome to MFP:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    This is a great site. Take the time to learn about all the great features and use them.
    You will succeed if you work hard.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Take it one day at a time
    Stay open minded to new ideas
    Take baby steps
    Drink lots of water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    It always helps me to log my food first before I eat so here are no surprises.

    Find a group to be part of and check in with them every day.
  • Mimis5
    Mimis5 Posts: 19
    Hi....I'm a Christian too. It's good to know you are out there. I'll be praying for you too! I had a great week this week ...down 4lbs! wooooohoooooo!:drinker: