Gall Bladder Removal



  • cardinal56
    cardinal56 Posts: 10 Member
    I was told to gradually add foods back into my diet to see if they bothered me or not. I had mine out 18 months ago & have never had any problems & eat what I want. Good luck!
  • Larry0445
    Larry0445 Posts: 232
    I had gallstones and one or more were blocking a bile duct - (ew gross, I know!) and then had the gall bladder surgery a few days later- I was on a "heart healthy" diet - and was warned about fatty foods.

    The same here. Listen to your Dr. I had a friend that ignored the suggestions,and now she has a really hard time,eating certain things. But I followed my Dr.'s orders and can eat anything.
  • Merrie67
    Merrie67 Posts: 15
    Wow, I had my Gallbladder removed in 5/1999 and was never given a list of forbidden foods to never eat. I do eat lowfat foods and eat healthy but consuming lean protein, watch the carbs and eat lots of fruits and veggies. As for exercise I workout a minimum of 1 hour a day and a max of 2 hours. Am down 40 pounds and have about 10 to 15 at the most left to lose. I did have gallstones and did suffer an attack which lead to the diagnosis in the ER at 3 am. But everything is fine with me!!
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    When I got mine out I would get really sick from anything greasy - and lettuce. I got IBS after the surgery - still have that issue frequently. I packed on a ton of weight after the surgery too. It really messed up my system. Took a long time to figure it out. Eating healthier makes a HUGE difference.

  • jadedm
    jadedm Posts: 31 Member
    You know the whole Gallbladder thing sucks.. I had mines removed 5 years ago..and now... I see myself not popping at all..I poop like once or week..maybe less and it's making me weight fluctuate like the ****ens.. I have no idea how backed up I am,....well because no matter how much water I drink and Fiber I take in... it won't come like it's suppose to..just horrible gas. Back before I started my weight loss journey.. Everything I ate..It caused me to go straight to the I can't and won't even go half the time... Anybody else had that problem?
  • allipix711
    allipix711 Posts: 91
    Wow, im really surprised to hear this. I had my gall bladder removed a couple of years ago, and I started eating normally again right away. I already eat a decently low fat diet, and what fats I do eat, I try to make the "heathy ones" but never once have had an issue. They never told me I couldn't have certain foods either.

    Ditto this!
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    How much does a gall bladder weigh? I bet when the inflamation is down you lost a free pound...
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    You know the whole Gallbladder thing sucks.. I had mines removed 5 years ago..and now... I see myself not popping at all..I poop like once or week..maybe less and it's making me weight fluctuate like the ****ens.. I have no idea how backed up I am,....well because no matter how much water I drink and Fiber I take in... it won't come like it's suppose to..just horrible gas. Back before I started my weight loss journey.. Everything I ate..It caused me to go straight to the I can't and won't even go half the time... Anybody else had that problem?

    I honestly thought about going on ally just for the "treatment effects"

    (For people who live in a hole, ally makes you **** yourself because any fat runs straight through without being digested). Need a clean out? Pop an ally and run to McD's
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 386 Member
    I didn't have to watch what I ate and I had a gallstone blocking my pancreas causing me to have pancreatitis. I wasn't able to eat for 5 days before my surgery due to this though so that could have had something to do with it.
  • sjeagle30
    sjeagle30 Posts: 292 Member
    I had mine out in 2001. I can tell you that it did not help my pain problmes. For several years after it was out I still experienced the galbladder attack pain and had no clue why. I read up on it and foud that up to 40 percent of people that have it removed still have attacks and can have stones in their liver. I also was not given a list of foods not to eat. I wonder if now they are starting to see more and more people complain of the same symptoms and are starting to introduce a food list. I have not had the attacks for a few years but they were horrible!!!!!!!!!!!! I do still get pains from time to time with certain foods, lettuce, peanuts, popcorn, etc but nothing like they used to be. Red meats, etc have never caused me a problem. But I do know that if i eat fatty foods there needs to be a bathroom nearby. :tongue:
  • shel1103
    shel1103 Posts: 189 Member
    I had mine out in 2001. I can tell you that it did not help my pain problmes. For several years after it was out I still experienced the galbladder attack pain and had no clue why. I read up on it and foud that up to 40 percent of people that have it removed still have attacks and can have stones in their liver. I also was not given a list of foods not to eat. I wonder if now they are starting to see more and more people complain of the same symptoms and are starting to introduce a food list. I have not had the attacks for a few years but they were horrible!!!!!!!!!!!! I do still get pains from time to time with certain foods, lettuce, peanuts, popcorn, etc but nothing like they used to be. Red meats, etc have never caused me a problem. But I do know that if i eat fatty foods there needs to be a bathroom nearby. :tongue:

    I am one of these. I still feel awful and get these really strange attacks every couple of months. most of the time it's when I am drinking alcoholic beverages and mixing with some kind of juice, but I don't always have to be drinking. It feels like someone is stabbing me in the chest all the way through to my back. No doctor can explain it. It lasts for about an hour and I usually end up throwing up a couple of times until the pain goes away. Anyone experience this after having their gall bladder removed???

    It's been 11 years and I still get the stupid things.
  • nadya768
    nadya768 Posts: 6 Member
    Hope you recover quickly.I had my gallbladder removed in july 08,when my son was 3 months old-i had lost 120lbs before the pregnancy and had lots of gallstones.Had horrendous pain and could hardly eat in the 3 months before surgery.I too was given no forbidden list,but was told to just eat normally.It took a few weeks to eat properly again.Things i found easiest to eat were soft/liquids like soup and rice pudding for the first few days,and small amounts.I heard about dumping syndrome and almost hoped for it as my IBS means that once a week is normal for me,but bowels didnt change.
  • nadya768
    nadya768 Posts: 6 Member
    I had mine out in 2001. I can tell you that it did not help my pain problmes. For several years after it was out I still experienced the galbladder attack pain and had no clue why. I read up on it and foud that up to 40 percent of people that have it removed still have attacks and can have stones in their liver. I also was not given a list of foods not to eat. I wonder if now they are starting to see more and more people complain of the same symptoms and are starting to introduce a food list. I have not had the attacks for a few years but they were horrible!!!!!!!!!!!! I do still get pains from time to time with certain foods, lettuce, peanuts, popcorn, etc but nothing like they used to be. Red meats, etc have never caused me a problem. But I do know that if i eat fatty foods there needs to be a bathroom nearby. :tongue:

    I am one of these. I still feel awful and get these really strange attacks every couple of months. most of the time it's when I am drinking alcoholic beverages and mixing with some kind of juice, but I don't always have to be drinking. It feels like someone is stabbing me in the chest all the way through to my back. No doctor can explain it. It lasts for about an hour and I usually end up throwing up a couple of times until the pain goes away. Anyone experience this after having their gall bladder removed???

    It's been 11 years and I still get the stupid things.

    me too-get attacks randomly and was told it might be my oesophagus going into spasm? not sure on that,but at least the attacks are infrequent-sorry to hear someone else suffering though.
  • sjeagle30
    sjeagle30 Posts: 292 Member
    I had mine out in 2001. I can tell you that it did not help my pain problmes. For several years after it was out I still experienced the galbladder attack pain and had no clue why. I read up on it and foud that up to 40 percent of people that have it removed still have attacks and can have stones in their liver. I also was not given a list of foods not to eat. I wonder if now they are starting to see more and more people complain of the same symptoms and are starting to introduce a food list. I have not had the attacks for a few years but they were horrible!!!!!!!!!!!! I do still get pains from time to time with certain foods, lettuce, peanuts, popcorn, etc but nothing like they used to be. Red meats, etc have never caused me a problem. But I do know that if i eat fatty foods there needs to be a bathroom nearby. :tongue:

    I am one of these. I still feel awful and get these really strange attacks every couple of months. most of the time it's when I am drinking alcoholic beverages and mixing with some kind of juice, but I don't always have to be drinking. It feels like someone is stabbing me in the chest all the way through to my back. No doctor can explain it. It lasts for about an hour and I usually end up throwing up a couple of times until the pain goes away. Anyone experience this after having their gall bladder removed???

    It's been 11 years and I still get the stupid things.

    Oh my god I had the same exact problems with drinking alcohol!!! Even one beer would put me in such pain i couldnt handle it!!! I went to a gastroenterologist and they did a scope thing and found that i had tons of bile around the outer lining of my stomach and leasions. I had to lay off the caffiene, spicy foods, alcohol, etc for a few months until the leasions healed. I did that and it worked. I dont have the pain from alcohol anymore. Thank God!! He said it is like pouring alcohol on an open wound!
  • shel1103
    shel1103 Posts: 189 Member
    I had mine out in 2001. I can tell you that it did not help my pain problmes. For several years after it was out I still experienced the galbladder attack pain and had no clue why. I read up on it and foud that up to 40 percent of people that have it removed still have attacks and can have stones in their liver. I also was not given a list of foods not to eat. I wonder if now they are starting to see more and more people complain of the same symptoms and are starting to introduce a food list. I have not had the attacks for a few years but they were horrible!!!!!!!!!!!! I do still get pains from time to time with certain foods, lettuce, peanuts, popcorn, etc but nothing like they used to be. Red meats, etc have never caused me a problem. But I do know that if i eat fatty foods there needs to be a bathroom nearby. :tongue:

    I am one of these. I still feel awful and get these really strange attacks every couple of months. most of the time it's when I am drinking alcoholic beverages and mixing with some kind of juice, but I don't always have to be drinking. It feels like someone is stabbing me in the chest all the way through to my back. No doctor can explain it. It lasts for about an hour and I usually end up throwing up a couple of times until the pain goes away. Anyone experience this after having their gall bladder removed???

    It's been 11 years and I still get the stupid things.

    me too-get attacks randomly and was told it might be my oesophagus going into spasm? not sure on that,but at least the attacks are infrequent-sorry to hear someone else suffering though.

    First they thought it was GERD, then they mentioned something else. I had an attack on St. Patty's Day of this year. I went almost a year before that without having one. They are so intermittent that I can't tell what causes them. I have heard the esopheal spasm theory too. Just wish someone could figure out what they are so I can avoid what's causing them. : (

    I am thrilled that I'm not alone in this.
  • shel1103
    shel1103 Posts: 189 Member
    I had mine out in 2001. I can tell you that it did not help my pain problmes. For several years after it was out I still experienced the galbladder attack pain and had no clue why. I read up on it and foud that up to 40 percent of people that have it removed still have attacks and can have stones in their liver. I also was not given a list of foods not to eat. I wonder if now they are starting to see more and more people complain of the same symptoms and are starting to introduce a food list. I have not had the attacks for a few years but they were horrible!!!!!!!!!!!! I do still get pains from time to time with certain foods, lettuce, peanuts, popcorn, etc but nothing like they used to be. Red meats, etc have never caused me a problem. But I do know that if i eat fatty foods there needs to be a bathroom nearby. :tongue:

    I am one of these. I still feel awful and get these really strange attacks every couple of months. most of the time it's when I am drinking alcoholic beverages and mixing with some kind of juice, but I don't always have to be drinking. It feels like someone is stabbing me in the chest all the way through to my back. No doctor can explain it. It lasts for about an hour and I usually end up throwing up a couple of times until the pain goes away. Anyone experience this after having their gall bladder removed???

    It's been 11 years and I still get the stupid things.

    Oh my god I had the same exact problems with drinking alcohol!!! Even one beer would put me in such pain i couldnt handle it!!! I went to a gastroenterologist and they did a scope thing and found that i had tons of bile around the outer lining of my stomach and leasions. I had to lay off the caffiene, spicy foods, alcohol, etc for a few months until the leasions healed. I did that and it worked. I dont have the pain from alcohol anymore. Thank God!! He said it is like pouring alcohol on an open wound!

    OMG!! If I have to give up my wine and Red Hot and Wasabi with my sushi, I might just go insane. Ugh, that sucks. I may need to try it and see if it works. It's worth a shot, right?? THANKS!!!
  • sjeagle30
    sjeagle30 Posts: 292 Member
    most definately worth a shot!
  • Lalee975
    Lalee975 Posts: 19 Member
    I had my gallbladder out in 10/06. I was not given a list of foods I was supposed to avoid. My only issue that I notice now is that if I wait to long to eat in the mornings, I'll be in need of a quick trip to the restroom. Other than that, I have had absolutely no issues. <knock on wood>
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    It depends on the person, everyone is different. I had my gallbladder out over 3 years ago, and I still can't even smell McDonalds without running for the bathroom. I can't eat chips/cheesies, fast food, anything fried or greasy. I also have issues sometimes with steak and really heavy meals like that. I think dairy might bother my stomach too, but I'm still in the process of figuring it out.

    The side effects of having it removed are horrible for me, but I have talked to other people who have never had an issue and still eat how they ate before the surgery.