Greetings all!

Hello to all!

Been on MFP for about 2 or 3 weeks now, and enjoying it. I was a smoker for 13 years, always stayed around 145-150 (@6ft tall it looked a lil sickly now that i look back lol). Well I stopped smoking and of course I shot up in weight. 150, 160, 180, 200, 220...a bulk of the weight was put on in a year, 145 to 190.

When I first started my Lifestyle change (with my wife doing the same), the first time, was last year. I weighed 228 and dropped to 205 within a month and half. Then one day, while doing some dishes, my wife walked in the kitchen, behind me, and put on the counter, a positive pregnancy test! I was ELATED! However, the second thing that popped in my head was, I CANNOT keep going losing weight. It would be really unfair for me to keep losing it while she is gaining it. She would never ask me to stop, she is a great support, but i just would not feel right. So I eased off the diet and we got bigger together :)

So little Ms. Everleigh was born in sept. and BAM! Hello Colic, you evil evil beast! Six months later, the wife and I survived Colic, and now its time to get down! She started with MFP about 3 weeks ago or so, and i thought it looked very motivating so I thought i'd give it a try. I have been doing ALOT of Cardio, almost every night. I've never been a big runner/jogger, but i really think i wanna be the guy who LOVES to run. Jogged a mile straight the other night, which I never could do, even back in high school. 13 minute mile, which may not sound like alot, but i personally don't think thats too bad for an out of shape asthmatic.

I figure for the next year or so, I will really start pushing myself, and I believe the in the long run, my first official big goal is to jog or run a 5k. However my ultimate goal is to stick around for a long time for my beautiful wife, and my 2 beautiful girls! I do think it will be easier to achieve that goal if i was alot healthier so HERE WE GO!

Hope to see you all on the battlefield that is healthy living!


  • lolarit
    lolarit Posts: 76 Member
    Quitting smoking is an amazing achievement within itself. I supported my partner through quitting and it was horrifying at times!
    Good luck with your running. I just started the c25k and its very uplifting since I never thought I was the running type.
    Feel free to add :)
  • hotmamma1205
    hotmamma1205 Posts: 2 Member
    awwww...Jason your post was sweet! I wish you and Crystal much luck on the path to heatlthiness. We will just all have to beat the the evil fat together! But, serioulsy, that's great that you are so motivated to get healthy for all the beautiful ladies in your life! :)
  • jheffe
    jheffe Posts: 34 Member
    I too also quit smoking back in October..I have gained 10 pounds and I was probably 30lbs overweight then..the weight kept creeping up on me and I figured I needed to do something before it was out of control..I came across this app few days ago while on facebook and decided to give it a try..I absoluletly love is keeping me in check and feel I have lost a few pounds already!..Good luck to you all!
  • cbascomb83
    cbascomb83 Posts: 36 Member
    We want you to stick around for a while too!! So glad that we are in this together =) I think in the long run our girls are going to benefit with having healthy parents who cook healthy foods. I know this journey is going to have a few rough patches but I know you'll be there the entire time with me. So proud of you! <3