need help!

Hey I need some advice , I am currently set at one pound a week. I weigh 161 pounds and am 5 foot tal, MFP has me set for around 1400 a day. I am not losing well at all, I am getting very discouraged I have lost 1.2 in the last month any suggestions or advise it would be appreciated so much !


  • Angelgirl040688
    Angelgirl040688 Posts: 56 Member
    if your working out regulatory then your probable replacing the fat with muscle..
  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member
    vary ur ur calories. vary ur excersing..go hard one day on cardio, take it easy the is all a procress...
  • Mwood8
    Mwood8 Posts: 19 Member
    I've not looked at your diary, but what type of foods are you eating? Theoretically, you could eat a couple big macs and fries (I'm not saying that you do) or other unhealthy foods you could only net 1400 cals and not lose weight. Watch your diet strictly, exercise more or put more intensity into your workouts and you should see results. Also, if you are working out alot, are you eating back your exercise calories? If you aren't, and you have low net calories for the day, your metabolism could slow down and stop you from losing the weight. Good luck on your journey!
  • Solomonre0
    Solomonre0 Posts: 143 Member
    Eat more food. Preferably not complete junk food.

    Your BMR (what your body burns by just breathing, pumping blood, and basically just being alive) is 1501. Considering that you are probably at least sitting up for part of the day, if not walking around or digesting food, your body will be burning more than that number. Try bumping it up to 1800 (or whatever you think is good) for a few weeks and see what happens.
  • gracejks01
    gracejks01 Posts: 5 Member
    I actually havent been worrking out much i just started running again but im only at a mile now. I lost really good the first two weeks and then like i said in the last month I have only lost 1.2 I actually gained exactly 0.2 the last two weeks in a row
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    Here is the most important rule for successfully losing weight:


    As long as you try again tomorrow, you will never fail. Every time you feel like you've failed, it's not a failure, just a speed bump in your journey to success. Remember this and keep a positive attitude and you WILL succeed. It will take time. You will struggle. And when you've completed your journey you will be so happy you stuck with it.

    That said, there are approximately a gajillion and seventeen possible reasons why you aren't losing weight just yet. It could be related to metabolism, water intake, type and amount of exercise, fiber, protein, fat intake, time of weigh in, the list goes on and on.

    I'd like to think that I'm pretty okay at explaining these things, so if you have a specific question I'd be happy to try to answer, but as it is, there are just too many possibilities to analyze your situation and determine why you aren't losing weight yet.

    That's why the main message I want to get to you is DON'T GIVE UP. Giving up is the only way you can fail. Therefore, if you never give up, then it is impossible for you to fail. Simple as that. :)

    Good luck. :)