Looking for vegan buddies!



  • Im vegan. Add me :)
  • ljma84
    ljma84 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello lovely vegans! Feel free to add me, I keep getting 'page not found' when I click on your usernames.
  • melkorsbane
    melkorsbane Posts: 17 Member
    New vegan here as well. Going to add most of, if not all, of you :)
  • KN53
    KN53 Posts: 1
    Vegetarian here! :D
  • Hi...I am new to the board, eat lots of vegetarian food, but not vegan (quite yet). Hope we can share some good recipes here.
  • heyyyy im trying to go vegetarian and then transition into vegan/raw way of life if you have any advice or recipes i would love to know feel free to add me thanks:)!!!!
  • angietn
    angietn Posts: 1
    Hey, welcome! I just became a vegan about a month ago. Feeling better and I've already lost 9 pounds!
  • I went vegan back in January, and recently fell off the bandwagon a little bit. I am still a vegetarian but I find it really hard when I go out to eat with friends or family to be completely vegan, especially since I live in an area where most of the restaurants are not vegan friendly. I really want to get back to being 100% so if anyone has any advice please let me know and feel free to add me if you want.
  • djkymba
    djkymba Posts: 174
    Another vegan here! I'm back to MFP after a long time away, and a long time away from being vegan too. I'm going to send out some friend requests. :)
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Vegan here and always looking for comrades :)
  • charcharbec
    charcharbec Posts: 253 Member
    Vegan here too! I became a vegan officially in the November/December time and have been going strong since. For those of you asking how to transition just remember its all a process. A journey. JUST like weight loss. AND it is ever changing the more you go. Sometimes I am tempted to go more raw....and then cant because i have to eat certain processed foods for enough protein.

    Anyone else get a hell of a ton of fiber as a vegan? Oh. My. God. I get between 65g-90g a day..... I blame the black beans. Before I was vegan (totally TMI but) I had a hard time with a regular movement.... that isnot a problem any longer.
  • TanzaMarie
    TanzaMarie Posts: 94 Member
    Add me too! I'm more or less vegan. I've dappled around with vegetarianism on and off for 2 years, but about 5 months ago, I figured out that dairy was the cause of the majority of my health issues. It is unbelievable what a difference it has made! I say more or less because I still eat fish sometimes. I don't know any other vegans or vegetarians so I'd love the support!
  • sdai3
    sdai3 Posts: 28 Member
    I've been vegan for 2 years in August and it will be my 9th year of vegetarianism next month! Feel free to add me on here I don't have any friends and I'm determined to get a beach bod this year
  • Dayquasar
    Dayquasar Posts: 182 Member
    Hi I have been vegan since Dec 1st , not very long but I did it slowly lol and so far I feel great! Buying food is easier because you know what not to get! And I do take some suppliments when I don't get all my nutrients by the end of the day but otherwise between the studies on how much better it is for you and what they do to animals is overwhelming! Anyone can add me just include a message so I know it's cuz your vegan if you don't mind! I need all the vegan buddies I can get too since I don't have any off the inernet. I also have a blog if your interested-girlwholovestheworld.blogspot.com
  • mollyjb3
    mollyjb3 Posts: 8 Member
    I don't claim vegetarian or vegan because I do once in a while eat seafood or dairy...I do not eat meat. I did attempt vegan at the beginning of the year for about 3 months, but I have started slowly adding some dairy back into my lifestyle. I completely support a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle and still do a lot of vegan recipes, so feel free to add me if you want the support:-) I don't have a lot of friends on MFP yet either.

    Good luck! ~Molly
  • A great resource is Kris Karr's Crazy Sexy Cancer. She used many alternatives and attributes her diet to keeping her incurable cancer in check for over 7 years. :flowerforyou:
  • mamaclose
    mamaclose Posts: 179 Member
    I was a vegetarian for 7 years then went back to eating meat. I am ready to go back to vegetarianism and would like to go completely vegan somewhere down the road. I've slowly been cutting out animal products; at this time I do not eat read meat, cheese, milk or eggs. Still have seafood and chicken a few days per week. I am cutting out one animal product about every two weeks. I find it difficult with three young children and a "meat and potato" husband!
  • Ravenesque_
    Ravenesque_ Posts: 257 Member
    I am vegetarian. No meat, no flesh.

    The only dairy I eat is a little milk, a few eggs and some nice cheese :)

    This is mainly cause I love to cook. And I think a good cook should be able to cook meat. As I live with family of 6, this is pretty essential :P

    Add me everyone as you like :)
  • terraskye
    terraskye Posts: 370 Member
    I'm transitioning so I still eat some meat (though I am eventually cutting out all meat but fish ) so I guess eventually I'll be pescetarian. I've tried vegan but I may have done it the wrong way and wasn't getting enough alternative protein and got ill.

    I would love to have some new MFP friends, vegan, vegetarian, Pesectarians or those in a transition phase like me :)
  • Cocochickdeleted
    Cocochickdeleted Posts: 342 Member
    I've been vegetarian for a few months now. I would eventually like to go vegan, but living in the 'cow belt' of America makes it difficult to find vegan friendly restaurants, and even simple things like vegan cheese in the grocery stores. Any of you are free to add me :-)