How long til I start seeing results?

I've started my diet/excercise routine about 2 weeks ago. I've cut my calorie intake to to 1200/day. I weigh 150 now and would like to get down to 125lb. I workout for 1.5hrs a day, 5 days a week.
Question: how long did it take you to start seeing results?


  • moochachip
    moochachip Posts: 237 Member
    From what I remember someone who is earning their graduate degree in kinesiology told me - It takes six weeks to start NOTICING results. It takes longer then that to start sizing down via dress sizes.

    Stick with it. Believe me, it's worth it.
  • RahBuhBuh
    RahBuhBuh Posts: 585 Member
    It took me a few weeks to see any noticeable number loss. There are still times when my weight doesn't move, but I can tell that I am more fit because I feel better and look trimmer.