College freshman needs to get and STAY on track

For the first few months of college, I didn't gain weight and even lost a pound or so because I was absolutely petrified of gaining the "freshman 15". 7 months and 12 pounds later, I needed to lose the weight that I had gained before summer. I lost 4 pounds in a few weeks but gained 2 pounds back over spring break and have only "maintained" the high weight since. I really need to lose 8 pounds in the next four weeks. I am fairly good at sticking to a routine when I am busy with schoolwork, etc. (busy, but not overwhelmed), but I often consume far too much (and foods that are NOT healthy) in social situations because food (and alcohol--which is high in calories) is a huge part of the social life here. How can I get on track, stay on track, and avoid temptation even in social situations? MFP has helped me lose 5 pounds twice, but I gained it back both times (my own fault). Thank you so much for your help....getting on track for a healthy lifestyle and a healthy summer is very important to me!


  • circasunshine
    Bump! Please help!
  • Anyaaaa11
    Anyaaaa11 Posts: 242 Member
    If you want me to be honest, if you don't have much to lose then don't expect to lose 8lbs in 4 weeks.
    I have about 13lbs to lose from my freshman year as well and so far I've lost 5lbs and it's been over a month.
    The reason you keep gaining the weight back is because your goal/intake and whatever else was not sustainable.
    You need to learn how to say no to alcohol for example. /: sucks but if you want to lose weight and keep it off then it's up to you to
    Make good decisions!

    Try losing weight at a slower pace.. It really sucks but that's the only way you can maintain weight loss.. Don't do something if its not going to be long term.

    Lift weights, make better choices, be patient,
    That's about all it takes.. Oh and dedication
  • circasunshine
    Yeah, I know :/ It's just frustrating because I'm exercising regularly (more than the beginning of the year by far) and trying to eat well but I'm still just maintaing because it's really important to me to make true friends here (and yes, friendships don't require food, but I want to be social). If I had exercised regularly from the start, this wouldn't be a problem. I'll end the rant there, sorry!

    Thanks for your opinion.