Reply with questions only!



  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    do you have to go to work ???
  • mommy2AR
    mommy2AR Posts: 2,796 Member
    Can I get I get something to eat?
  • lisa28115
    lisa28115 Posts: 17,271 Member
    what would you like to eat ???
  • mommy2AR
    mommy2AR Posts: 2,796 Member
    Do you have something yummy?
  • willy0524
    willy0524 Posts: 1,897
    what is your favorite yummy thing?
  • mommy2AR
    mommy2AR Posts: 2,796 Member
    Can I have some watermellon?
  • willy0524
    willy0524 Posts: 1,897
    regular or seedless?
  • mommy2AR
    mommy2AR Posts: 2,796 Member
    Wouldnt seedless be better?
  • willy0524
    willy0524 Posts: 1,897
    Don't you like to spit out the seeds?
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    if you click on it, its a bunny beanie and a diaper cover for my soon to be new born baby arriving sometime within a week or two..

    are you happy for me?

    Is this your first baby?

    yes, how did you know?
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    can anyone crack into a sunflower seed without using their hands? just their mouth?
  • pauldbarnhart
    pauldbarnhart Posts: 5,999 Member
    do you spend your entire day here at MFP?
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    until work picks up, don't you know it helps pass the time?
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    Can I have some watermellon?

    Do you always change up your hair style?
  • pauldbarnhart
    pauldbarnhart Posts: 5,999 Member
    what does watermelon have to do with hairstyle?
  • littlemoonsandy
    littlemoonsandy Posts: 1,930
    whats going on here? can I have some watermelon too?
  • pauldbarnhart
    pauldbarnhart Posts: 5,999 Member
    Have you changed your hairstyle in order to warrant watermelon?
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    did you not noticed the o.p. wanting watermelon has a different picture up? (guess I am on here too much)
  • littlemoonsandy
    littlemoonsandy Posts: 1,930
    You're not gonna give me any watermelon are you?
  • pauldbarnhart
    pauldbarnhart Posts: 5,999 Member
    would you accept watermelon from a stranger?