Weight training vs 30ds

jenna25 Posts: 213 Member
So i decided i really want to start toning up and adding more muscle and my ultimate goal is my birthday which is at the end of june so i still have some time but i really havent been doing weights recently and am just feeling very squishy and flabby. I have my cousins wedding in the beginning of may....20 days from today and want my friends and family to see a difference, i plan to eat very very clean so i can hopefully at least lose a 6-8 pounds. But as for working out i dont know if i want to see results fast (20 days) should i do 30 day shred every day for these next 20 days and i plan on doing 45 minutes of cardio every day even if some days are just walking on the beach. But at least 5 days of the week i will be doing more intense cardio like running or the elliptical. After my cousins wedding i plan on starting a work out routine like this.... http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/body-transformation-clean-eating-made-her-a-model.html but i dont know if i start now if i will even be seeing results in 20 days... any suggestions?


  • abradley114
    abradley114 Posts: 39 Member
    Why wait? Start now so you get the routine down and when you come back you have something to start you know about already.