Hello everyone!

Hi everyone. :)

I actually joined 2 weeks ago but I've only just gotten round to posting here!

My name is Janette and I'm a 19 year old student from Scotland.
Since moving to uni my weigh has been getting worse and worse, so now is the time to get strict!
My goal is currently is to lose about 27lbs as I know the weight I am at is not healthy and as I'm training to be a teacher I should be setting a good example to my pupils!

I've lost 6lbs so far, which is the lowest I've weighed in a long time, so I'm really hoping that this is going to continue.
But I was thinking making some friend on here would also help me to keep motivated so it would be lovely to get to know some of you.
So come and say hello! :)

Good luck to everybody on their journeys!


  • orchidsand
    Feel free to add me to your list of friends. I know what uni can do a girlish figure...not a pretty sight :cry: Happy to hear you caught it in time and are making your way toward a lower BMI.