Sixers Slimer Summer: Week 5



  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Hi ladies.

    I'm doing a fast today (only since midnight) for a blood draw to check my gastrin levels (to see if I overproduce stomach acid naturally). After that lovely stick, I'm having an endoscopy done (a tube with a camera stuck down my throat into my stomach). I will be put under, sorta -- it's called "conscious sedation", so that I'm still awake and such, but drugged as hell, or at least I've been told. They will spray a numbing agent in my throat so I don't gag on the scope. I'm petrified of this procedure and will undoubtably start crying as 2pm nears. Until then, I'm occupying myself with whatever else I can find.

    Robin, I cannot believe the sleep you forgo in the name of cakes! You are a better person than I. I'd totally just chip in some money for teacher appreciation gifts and be done with it. Those pants sound super cool. Are you going to hem them? You might be able to make a top outta that extra 8'' from each leg! hahaha

    Kristin, why are y'all selling the bike? Still might be something fun to have for when Wee One is with the grandparents for the afternoon. (I'm assuming you are selling it due to Baby.)

    Rhiannon, post away m'dear!

    AmyLou, have fun in Colorado!

    PDX Amy, will they work out a payment plan for you? I'm really worried about the financial part of mine too. The scope today costs $350 + 20%.... whatever that is. I'm sure there will be more fees added on top of that. Not having health insurance means you are SOL, having health care means you are still screwed just not for quite as much. It sucks.
  • pdxmomof2
    pdxmomof2 Posts: 643
    Lauryn- I have had a scope done 2 times in the last year. I feel for you. I got very anxious both times! I wish you the best of luck!

    As far as the hospital bill is concerned, they sent me some financial aid forms to fill out to see if I can get the bill cut down. Hubby is self employed contractor. We are doing ok but dont have any savings to speak of right now. In the end I am sure it will all work out. You cant get money from someone who just doesnt have it!

    Happy Friday everyone!

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    I so feel for you guys with health care. Honestly, being born and raised in the health care system I've got I can't imagine how on earth you guys do it. The stress alone must create its own vicious cycle. I remember when an American friend of mine told me how much it "cost her" to have her baby. My jaw dropped. I didn't realize you had to PAY!!! :frown:

    Lauryn, thoughts with you today!!! xo
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Not having health insurance means you are SOL, having health care means you are still screwed just not for quite as much. It sucks.

    I totally agree with your statement, Lauryn. I have insurance, but I'm still scared of how much going to the doctor will cost me.

    Lauryn & PDX Amy - My thoughts are with you. I hope you both get the treatment you need and recover quickly. :flowerforyou:
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    How is everyone's weekend going? I hope well!

    I just spent some time looking over my menus from my peak success period in my first 6 months of this journey. Interestingly, the trend at my most successful times was that I regularly went over my cals (which were already higher than they are now... though I did weigh a little more) and I also allowed myself a daily, controlled treat. Such as a soy chocolate ice cream sandwich or a tbsp of nutella on a half a banana or something. And as well as having higher daily cals and usually going over by 100-200, I was burning more cals from exercise. I'm taking that under advisement. It's my mission to regain my sense of momentum but at the same time I have to honour the level of training my body is entering with the 1/2 marathon. They actually strongly recommend that you don't do too much calorie cutting or trying to lose weight during the training but I figure since I've got my finger so tightly on the numbers I'll be okay. I just need to make sure I set up & subsequently adequately replace my glycogen stores to support the sport :happy: I'm still reeling in shock from the fact that I've now had as many months in this journey of maintaining or gaining as I did in losing. More in fact. The first 5 months I shed 53 lbs and for 7 months now I've been fighting! Just goes to show what momentum can accomplish!!
    I haven't been posting so much because I'm feeling really analytical about my process and I'm dissecting it all and me coming on will just encourage THIS kind of post :tongue:

    Almost done this challenge! Who's up for naming another?
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Robin- Glad to hear from you!!! I see you are very busy. Try to take one moment to BREATHE. Keep up the good work

    Tiff- YOU CAN DO IT!!! Good luck w/ the test. YAY

    Lauryn- I'm so sorry that everything is falling apart at the wrong time. LIFE is ridiculous sometimes huh. When I was in dental school I didn't have insurance for a while either. Just cost way to much for me. I agree that we have to find a way to help people w/ health care. I hope everything went well for you. Take care girlie!!!

    Amylou- Enjoy your trip!!!

    Rhiannon- Congrats on the review. I do the same thing. I always try to regroup every few weeks so I know what I really need to do to succeed. Congrats on the training for 13.1 miles. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    Cathy- How is everything at the new house???

    Well... I just wanted to check in. I have been just sitting around doing nothing really. I'm just having a blah moment in life.

    Take care,


    Redneck and Amy - Hello ladies... glad to see you both hanging in there. :)
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    The endoscopy went well. From the moment I walked over to the gurney to get my IV port, I couldn't stop crying. When they took me into the procedure room, I started panicking and sobbing. The doctor and nurses were incredibly nice and understanding, calming me with breathing techniques, then knocking my *kitten* out. "Conscious sedation", my foot. It was great. I remember nothing. The medication leaves an anmestic effect, so I have patches of the entire night that I remember nothing at all. In fact, Jay told me that I was sleeping in the car so heavily that my head was almost resting on the gear shifter. :laugh:

    I do remember having the world's BEST sushi for dinner at a new restaurant. I will be frequenting there again. I love sushi. Wish it wasn't so expensive.

    So the good news -- I DON'T HAVE AN ULCER!!! :drinker: (although, wth? I mean, I've been treated for an ulcer for almost 3 years, medicated.) My stomach looks great, the doc said. But I am having lots of GI SPASMS. Wth does that mean??? Abdominal and pelvic ultrasound forthcoming Wednesday (which is/would have been my 8th wedding anniversary). I guess that will answer more questions?

    In the meantime, I am no longer taking any of my previous medicines, but now on yet another new one. This one I hope works -- because in addition to treating GI spasms, it happens to be an anti-depressant. Couldn't have come at a better time.

    I'm not weighing. I'm not logging food. I hate being fat and gaining weight but I have no motivation to try to fix it. I haven't been to the gym in a week, although with all this medical BS, I think the hiatus was warranted.

    I'm going to go take another nap. Depression is exhausting.

    xo sixers
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Glad you are doing well Lauryn. I know you are happy to have had attentive doctors and nurses. Congrats on a great referral. Best wishes!!!

  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Sounds like for the most part everyone is doing okay. I haven't been doing all that well either (just okay). This weekend was a weekend of DRAMA. My one freind came over with personal problems, as she had wrecked her truck earlier this month. She decides to go to the river and her truck won't start.
    So she had to hike to where she got a signal called us. And off to play rescue 911. Only to bring her home after pulling her truck into a safe zone. We get home and here is my brother all upset cuz he and his landlord got into a big yelling match and was told to move. With hardley any work no drivers lic. he has no where to go. He is my brother but he drinks way too much to come live with me and
    Tony again. In the mean time my poor dog has a swallon nose. So I have been worried about her waiting for this morning so I can get her to the vets. It looks so bad. I have been give her benadryal all weekend. So I am thinking that the planets must be out of sorts.

    Lauryn I am glad that you made it through your proceedure okay. And the best of luck this coming wed.
    I can't believe that you have been taking ulcer meds and didn't need them after all. Just think of all the monies you could have saved. Let alone thinking you were sick with something only to find out it wasn't it after all. Hope you get some anwsers soon.

    I am not looking forward to check in tomarrow Iam sure I didn't do very good.

    Talk at you all Later.

    Hugs and Kisses to all

  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member

  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Kel- WE love to listen. I'm sorry so much went on this weekend. Sometimes we can't get a break. :) Hope everything works out. How is your dog doing now???

    Take care,

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    new name
    "sixers cruisin' through summer"
    "sixers chillin' in the summer"
    i am for sure in on the next one
    gained loads of weight. lots of stress will update my next challenge post
    good luck to everyone.....
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member

    Thanks for being so nice. My dog it seems was either stung by a bee or some kind of incect. So she got a cortazone shot and some protazone tablets to take this next week. The swelling did go down some but not completely. Hopefully today it will go down more.

  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Kel.... You are so welcome. Glad your dog is doing better. :wink: My dog name is Dylan and he is soooo sweet. He is a one yr old, lab mix. Sweet as honey. I'm going to Atlanta to go to a Concert and Then do a 5k with my high school friend. :) So a busy weekend and I'm going to miss him. He will be staying with one of my coworkers. He did a test visit last weekend and they got along well. :wink:

    Take care ladies... and I don't think we have a new post yet either.

  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Kel, I hope the puppy is okay!! I am sure those meds will help.

    Tamm, you are so cheerful, a blessing to our group!

    Cathy, I like Sixers Crusin' Thru Summer. :smile:

    Today is/was my 8th wedding anniversary. (I never know how to phrase that since I don't know if it's over yet, I guess.) Friday is my birthday. Never fails that I am depressed every year around my birthday for no reason whatsoever. Well, maybe I have reason this year, HA.

    I just signed for my own apartment today. I'm not sure if I can afford it. In the short term I can, in the long run... who knows. I cannot be stressed about that. I need my own space before I lose my mind.

    Ultrasound this morning. I'm guessing I will hear via phone if they find something serious. Otherwise, I will hear from the via a letter or whatever later.

    I haven't weighed myself in a while. The doctor's offices keep weighing me between 164-167lbs. That sucks. I'm much closer to 170 than the upper 150s now. I think my own place will help so much with my weight.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Lauryn, Tamm, we did start a new thread on Tuesday:

    See you over there :wink: