anyone ever finish the 30 day shred?

i just did day 1 level one?
Has anyone ever done 30 days?
I hope to do this and get it done... with running, i have lost my upper body toning.
with summer here, i have no interest in going to the gym.


  • Kidvicious28
    Kidvicious28 Posts: 1,613 Member
    I just started it on Saturday and I fully intend on finishing it! Have you seen a lot of results yet??
  • clothestoburn
    clothestoburn Posts: 36 Member
    I'm about to finish my 6th week. I didn't do it everyday. I stretched it out to 6 weeks - 5 times a week. I moved up a level about every other week - or when I stopped swearing at jillian!!:smile:

    I love my results!!!
    Since started Shred I lost 11.3 pounds!
    3.5 inches in my waist
    2.5 inches in my hips
    I haven't lost in my arms - but they look much better!
    1.5 inches in each thigh
    I carry my weight in my midsection - I lost 4.5 inches in my abs ---HAPPY:happy:

    For the past 6 weeks - Shred was my only structured exercise. Stick with it, Good Luck!!
  • sabes2631
    sabes2631 Posts: 403
    thats what i wanted to hear!!
    i started today. no results yet. i was struggling on level 1-- which surprised me alot because i ran 9 miles on sunday and i spin often