GLUTEN and belly fat or carbs

I ate 1/2 a pazza and drank half a bottle of wine on saturday night.
My mid section is way flabby today...

is it the gluten or too many carbs hitting my belly?
I am so mad at myself.

whats a fix? low-no carbs today and tomorrow?
how do i get this to shrink again?


  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    I don't know if its carb related, but if it was a pre-prepared pizza it was probably high in sodium and you might be retaining water to deal with that...I know that this affects my belly! Solution to that is to drink lots of water and to try and keep your sodium down.
  • mrd232
    mrd232 Posts: 331
    Over the next few days, try to limit the amount of heavy gluten (high wheat content) foods you eat as well as limiting dairy and sodium intake. Drink lots of water. That usually clears up bloating issues very well for me.