could you help me with this one please?

are jacket potatoes and home made chips good for you?, do they keep the diet equal and not add any weight on?


  • bonkers5975
    bonkers5975 Posts: 1,015 Member
    It's all in the preparation! A great way to do fries is to use sweet potatoes, slice, put in a baggy with a couple of teaspoons of olive oil, a little parmesan and salt and pepper, shake to coat, and bake. They're yummy. white potatoes aren't always the best choice, but everything in moderation. You could prepare the same as the sweet potatoes, and it would be wayyyy better for you than restaurant french fries, or even the frozen ones you make at home.

    Hope this helps a little!
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    lol, I never heard the term jacket potato before. Must be a European thing.

    Potatoes in general aren't bad for you, bonkers is right though, it's all in the preparation.

    potatoes are high in potassium, decent fiber, lots of complex carbs (the good kind), and a decent amount of protein (usually between 3 and 5 g for a medium sized potato)

    but always bake them, skip the sour cream (unless you go with the lite, then it's acceptable within reason) and be gentle with other things you add (like butter, salt, or any other additives), and for love of Pete, skip anything to do with deep frying. A spritz or two of a vegetable oil is ok, while baking or broiling, but the kind you get in a fast food joint is a no-no

    careful with salt and potatoes too, potatoes naturally contain a lot of sodium, so adding salt can bring your sodium levels up by great amounts!
  • sean93
    sean93 Posts: 109
    yes i tend to make my own chips without anyting added. i just slice them and put them in the oven for about 40 mins , occasionaly checking on them and they are delicous! and that is without any cooking oil or butter or anything etc.

    so i was just making sure that this isnt unhealthy

    thanks (: