Using cheat meals to meet calories?

(Hi! First post; been using mfp for a few days.)

My BMR is around 1530cals (my TDEE is around 2360.) I just started the second month of Insanity; I don't have a HRM, so I use mfp. I log it as circuit training, and it says I burn around 500cals for 55 minutes. That seems a little high, but this is Insanity so I trust it.

I'm set to lose 1lb/week, so mfp has me at 1300cals with no exercise. With exercise calories, mfp has me at 1800. I've been consistently below this every day by around 250cals. It's a struggle for me to eat those 250cals. It's not anything mental-- I know I should eat them. It's just that I feel so full already without them.

I have one cheat meal a week where I eat anything I want. I honestly don't know how much I eat (I haven't logged one with mfp yet), but I say at least 1000cals. Would eating this meal "make up" for the calories I'm not eating?

And if it makes a difference, I'm 5'3" and currently 152 lbs.