A coworker asked me if I was pregnant!!!



  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    alot of people are just stupid

    alot of people are clueless

    alot of people don't think before opening their mouth

    ignore them

    allow them to be wrong
    allow them to be stupid

    do not give them the power to affect how you feel

    you are here so that means you want to do something positive
    focus on the good
    ignore the bad or use it to move forward

    hang in there

    I completely agree.

    I was in the grocery store when I was 16 and the lady behind me at the checkout register says 'how far along are you?' I said "excuse me?" and she says "you're pregnant, right?" and of course I said no, I'm just fat. I was so embarassed that someone actually asked, I just thought I was a little chunky at the time. Who actually asks teenagers this stuff? Needless to say it totally shot apart my self esteem.
    Looking back I wish I wouldn't have let that lady (who was bigger than me btw) get to me.

    Don't let the co-worker get to you. I think you're absoluetly beautiful. :flowerforyou:
  • molsongirl
    molsongirl Posts: 1,373 Member
    i'm continually and pleasantly surprised at the gracious support thos community provides.

    Listen to these people. That person at work, spoke before he thought. Had his momma been there she wouldn't have probably slapped him in the back of his head. "Thoughtless" happens a lot. A while back I was playing with a little girl on my son's playground and she asked me, "why do you have such a big bottom?" I was mortified! I didn't know what to say, so I changed the subject. Many adults don't mentally develop that prefrontal cortex skill of filtering commentary. They don't always mean for it to hurt our feelings and even if they do, the best thing to do is not take it personally. Keep your goal in mind and you'll achieve your desired health level.

    When I was a kid, my mother was overweight, maybe even obese, and I can clearly remember the day when a little kindergarten aged boy asked her, "Why are you so fat?". Unflinchingly, she answered, "Because I eat too much, and if you eat too much, that food is stored on your body as fat." It was very matter of fact, and she just answered and moved on.

    It was a totally appropriate response for a 5 year old, and she gave the comment no negative quality. She just answered a question with a factual answer. No embarrassment. No apologies. I still remember my feeling embarassed when the question was asked, yet feeling proud of her by the way she answered.

    We really do control our feelings, and can either give merit to what others say, or we can dismiss it.

    Your mom rocks! what a great way to handle that situation, we had a foster child (4) ask a lady in a wheelchair why she had no legs, I just cringed, but she answered, "I was in a car accident and wasn't wearing my seatbelt...you always wear your seatbelt, right? because you love to run and play, and wearing it will keep you safe" I almost cried.
  • kitn621
    kitn621 Posts: 215
    Wow, thanks so much for the support everyone!!! I never expected such a warm and wonderful response from people. I know it seems silly, but I started crying reading people's responses. Those words were so thoughtful and kind.

    The thing is, I thought I looked great today lol. I wore a short skirt to show off my legs (since I thought they looked amazing) so I think that's why it hurt me so much. Maybe I'm not ready for this tight shirt LOL (but I thought curves were popping out every where on me) though I did wear a jacket over it.

    But...I did go home for lunch and my husband told me that I looked sexy - which brightened my day.

    Thanks everyone for the kind words. I really needed to hear them. I love the people at MFP!!

    If you felt like you looked great and your hubby said you did....(sexy is a great word) then let that be it.
    you are beautiful and I think only idiots and those that wish they could have what you have speak without thinking. There are too many poeple in the world who love you and think you look great to let just one person affect that negative body image. Hope you have a much better day!!!
  • hickory
    hickory Posts: 42
    Completely off topic - but I just had to mention that my name is Shannon and from the looks of your signature you're a band teacher - and so was I for many years. Just found that ironic!

    To the original post - SCREW HIM. Really! You KNOW you're busting your butt. You KNOW you're losing weight and fitting into your clothes better and looking better so please don't let a jerk like that burst your bubble. Congrats on your weight loss! Keep it up!!

    Edit: Oops! I was attempting to quote Euphanasia and apparently didn't - which is why the first part probably makes no sense right now. :tongue:
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