cayenne pepper diet?

has anyone ever tried it? if so does it really detox the body or will i just gain all the weight back again? I feel like I'm not getting anywhere because I keep letting myself slip up! I have never done a crash diet but I'm getting a little discouraged! :sad:


  • coachkathy
    coachkathy Posts: 35
    Crash diets don't work - take baby steps to eating cleaner for lifetime!

    Cayenne pepper is better for you than black pepper. Your body doesn't digest black pepper.

    JDHINAZ Posts: 641 Member
    I would suggest that, instead of trying a "crash diet", that you seem to know isn't the right approach, to get inside your head for a minute. Take a breath, remind yourself of the reasons you want to get heathly and lose some weight, then prepare. Make a menu for yourself for the upcoming week, then go shopping for ONLY those food items. Put together an exercise plan for the week, including when you are going to workout, then take one day at a time and work your plan. Don't look ahead to the next day, and DON'T LOOK BACK!! You're trying to teach yourself a new way of eating healthy, but many times that isn't an instinctive thing. You have to plan for it, work your plan, let your slip ups fall by the wayside, and go to your friends for support.

    One other thing....I see you've been a member since November 2008, but you've only posted 16 times. Post away! It's motivational to see what others are doing, and to get support from the rest of us when you're struggling. We're sharing this journey with you! You can do it! You really can! :flowerforyou: