Depression, i think i have to admit to this. :(



  • TasTam
    TasTam Posts: 84 Member
    Mo, as someone that has battled depression in my past, the symptoms you speak about are common signs. I found that a combination of medication and therapy are the most effective treatment. Sometimes people think that it will go away on it's own and that is usually not the case. The first step is taking a step to get help. I went through a period of trying to medicate myself with alcohol and overeating and went a few years in a zombie like state. I never felt like killing myself or anything like that but did feel like it wasn't worth getting out of bed except to go to work. I was barely functioning. I will tell you that if you reach out and take 1 step - whether it be telling a friend (or writing on this forum) , talking to your regular physician (he can refer you) or looking for help in the mental health area you will be doing yourself a big favor. Believe me, IT DOES GET BETTER!!!

    If you would like to pm me, feel free to do so or add me to your friend list. I'm wishing you the best and you're in my thoughts and prayers.
  • annew1952
    annew1952 Posts: 77 Member
    It does sound like depression to me as well. I suffer from it also and I have been on meds and go to talk therapy.
    I inherited it from my mother. But I was in denial for many years and didnt go for help until I was in my 40's.
    I started around your age. I would speak to your physician an express what bothers you. Don't ignore. We
    are all here to talk. Good luck.
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    I agree with many of the comments made, it does sound very much like clinical depression and effective treatment (meds or therapy) is available. As you have stress too I recommend cognitive behaivour therapy (CBT) as it has an evidence base for both depression and anxiety. If you live in the UK CBT is now accessible via your GP in most areas. Self help is also quite effective as long as the problem is not too severe so I'll post a link to some free online courses. There's one for depression, one for worry and one for low self esteem (not sure if this is a problem for you or whether your comment about lack of confidence was referring to someting else).

    Whatever you chose to do, please ake action soon as these kind of mood problems do tend to get into a negative cycle quite quickly. Often it feels like it's just you, but you'll find as soon as you start making some positive steps that small improvements follow. Exercise in particular is really useful so that's a great start. Good luck :flowerforyou: