Should it hurt when I excersize?

Seriously. I've never walked, run or lifted weights without it hurting somewhere. EVER. Not when I was a kid and took dance lessons and played soccer. Not when I got older and hiked endlessly. Now, even older, and having been sedentary since my oldest child was born (she's almost 13), everything hurts. My joints, my muscles, my head. Some days are worse than others, but I really don't know if there's something wrong with me or if it's just lack of excersize at this point. It's hard to stay motivated when I know how bad I will hurt for days after excersizing. Even lifting 5lbs weights... But if I try to just do the movements and work up to the weights I feel like I'm not accomplishing anything.

Also, When do you work out? If I try in the morning I pull something every time. It takes a couple hours to warm up. If I try in the evening I'm usually too tired before I have time.


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,104 Member
    Exercise is a little uncomfortable at first, and can leave you sore afterward; but you sound like you have some chronic issue. See a doctor.
  • xraylady33
    xraylady33 Posts: 222 Member
    Have you been tested for Lymes disease, or another underlying issue?

    Just a thought.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    Ok, so. When you exercise, it should be an effort, but not to the point of being painful. Annoying pain, level maybe. Give this a try. Pain scale, like they use at the doctor's and hospitals. 0-10. 0 is no pain at all. 10 is the worst pain you have ever been in and can imagine being in. When I lift, I can work to a 3. When I run, I can get as high as 5, but only if a cramp hits. Having been through multiple abdominal surgeries, I have a high 10. But, that doesn't belittle what ever your 10 is. It's YOUR scale.

    Following a workout, I can have pain as high as 6 or 7, depending on what I've done. This usually hits 24 to 36 hours later. The second day can be worse, but usually is better. So I do it again! Never working harder than a 3.

    So that's the pain. Now, there is also perceived effort level. You should never push yourself to your ultimate max effort level. This is how you get hurt more seriously. A 5-6 area, you are working hard, but still able to talk with someone. Maybe not in long sentences, but short phrases. 7-8 is usually the max I've heard to push to at all. And that's for high intensity interval training. Go for the 5-6. As you continue to exercise (even if it's just walking) it should get easier. As you exercise more, the pain should also decrease unless you have a health condition hindering you.

    I'd have your doctor check your vitamin D levels. Low vitamin D can also cause a lot of those aches and pains. My joints and muscle pains diminished greatly as my D levels improved. So get that checked, along with lymes and others that can cause that kind of pain. It will be worth the money to learn it's something simple or otherwise. Better to know than not to!

    I like to workout whenever I can fit it in. I usually work out in the morning, so I can get it over with! But I also will work out after work if I have the energy or I just plain want to. It really has helped a lot of the annoying aches and pains I have always suffered from!
  • Lisseth03
    Lisseth03 Posts: 518 Member
    yes, sometimes this has happened to me, and i'm 25 but I always joke that I feel like an 80 year old. I used to see a chiropractor 3 times a week for this, but I moved and the drive is too far. I've noticed that with certain workouts the pain lessons (30 day shred leven 3) I guess if you find yourself hurting a lot during a certain workout try a different one? or maybe lower the intensity a little bit?
  • agentscully514
    agentscully514 Posts: 616 Member
    soreness is ok. Pain is not. It may take experience to know the difference. I would check with a doctor to see if you have an underlying issue.
  • mrswinstead
    soreness is ok. Pain is not. It may take experience to know the difference. I would check with a doctor to see if you have an underlying issue.

    ^^^ This...also, pain is very different than burn.
  • lambertj
    lambertj Posts: 675 Member
    Can't hurt to try the Vitamin D. My doctor recommended it a few months ago and it has changed my life for the better. 1000 mg of Vitamin D3 with my breakfast.
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 434 Member
    So as far as my history goes... I had a disc in my spine removed 9 years ago that hinders my head movements and causes a lot of strain in my neck still... have almost no cartiledge left in my knees and do in fact have low vitamin levels. I take a multivit, plus vit B6, B12, vit D3 and calcium. When I'm feeling really low I take an extra iron too. I can ignore the pain in my knees, and usually my hips because it's been there for so long. I'm not doing intense workouts. I'm talking about lifing a 5 lbs weight in my hand... bending at the elbow. It hurts enough that I never do more than 10, plus that's about all it takes to make me feel like I'm too tired to do anymore. I don't have a set time for workouts( I use that term loosely) anyway and don't even have time to attempt to do it on a regular basis. I try to walk everyday just to try to get some excersize in.

    I don't think I've been tested for Lyme's disease, but is that something that I can still function with? I guess it's time for another Dr visit, but I always hesitate. The last time I asked (because they never talk about it) about losing weight and excersizing my Dr told me to suck it up and deal with the pain. I don't see her anymore :angry:
    Really I'm no wimp... I've got 5 kids and get battered and bruised playing and working everyday.
    I want to do things like yoga to lossen up and get my body ready to move, but even that ends up being too difficult. I don't know where to start.
  • Wonderwoman2677
    Wonderwoman2677 Posts: 434 Member
    soreness is ok. Pain is not. It may take experience to know the difference. I would check with a doctor to see if you have an underlying issue.

    ^^^ This...also, pain is very different than burn.

    Burn is good, to a point, I love the burn, I want the burn. I can't get passed the pain to even get a burn going.
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    Can't hurt to try the Vitamin D. My doctor recommended it a few months ago and it has changed my life for the better. 1000 mg of Vitamin D3 with my breakfast.

    Ditto this. I was extremely low in D and didn't know it. I constantly ached everywhere, but especially my hips. I was also extremely tired. Long story short, my D level was 11 (should be 30 at least). I was put on prescription D (50,000 IU's 1x week for 4 weeks). It changed my life! I now take 3,000 IU's daily to keep the level up.
  • christenwypy
    christenwypy Posts: 335 Member
    I was thinking about this today too. Like I have been doing the bike for a while and now it is not very painful, but I added in workout DVD's this week and some lifting and I am in PAIN! But I think it is supposed to hurt and when it stops hurting you need to find something else that hurts ol.