Giving it another go....

And I cannot promise that it'll be my last! I lack motivation and time. With 5 kiddos, I have gotten so used to putting everything and everyone before myself. I have now hit my all-time highest non-pregnancy weight and I HAVE to do something about it. And no, I don't mean celebrate with cake! :tongue: I NEED to make time to get to the know, the one I have been paying for but not using. I had lost 40 lbs. quickly just a few years ago with diet and exercise, but then got pregnant. So, I KNOW that I can lose the weight. I just need to do it. *sigh*


  • michelehedges
    michelehedges Posts: 14 Member
    I am new to mfp but I have had success just doing things like clean the house for two hours and gardening. I am looking for ways to stay active and not just work out. With kids, it's hard to get away and go somewhere to exercise. Also tracking every little thing that goes into my mouth has been eye opening!