
ndiamond Posts: 37 Member
edited September 19 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm wondering if someone can explain this or reference a thread that helps to explain this concept.

So I've never been one to believe in the "lose weight fast and easy" miracle diets. About 6 years ago I got tired of being over weight and I completely changed my lifestyle. I ate lots of fruits and veggies, cut out unhealthy fats and processed foods, went to the gym and wala! I was thin. Don't get me wrong, it took like 9mos to a year to lose 65 lbs...but I was diligent. Steadfast. Eye on the prize. I worked out a lot. And then I got married, divorced, single...raising a child on my own and somehow (I know how, but would rather keep to my denial) I gained it all back.

Well I'm back on my way now that my life is all together again. Now that I have run out of excuses and the evil "thirties" are almost upon me. But there is still something I just don't get.

Weight loss is simple - burn more calories than you intake + burn more fat than you intake + proper hydration + proper fiber = weight loss. So if you consistantly follow this to a T, why on earth would you ever hit a plateau!? How does this work? Especially if one is still over weight? I'm not at the plateau yet. I'm just gaining muscle and losing fat, I've been through this stage before. But why will I eventually hit a plateau if I keep to a calorie deficit diet?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thanks! :)


  • Sebidian
    Sebidian Posts: 199 Member
    Lucky you to not have experienced a plateau, and I hope you never do!

    The way I understand it, your body adjusts to your new routine. So even though you are doing everything right, your body wants a "time-out" from the weight loss, and holds onto the weight instead of shedding it as it had been.

    Sometimes you just need time, but most of us don't want to wait, so we try to change things up to get the body back into "losing" mode.
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