So many calories

Hey! So I read a lot of posts on here trying to educate myself as much as I can and I know that I am suppose to eat back my exercise calories but you see my problem is that there are too many. I bike to work and then back home every day and that's about 70 kilometres and according to my HRM burns about 2000 calories in total. Adding the 2000 to my normal 1400 and I have 3400 calories to consume. I have been able to do this a few times by eating really calorie intensive food like pancakes and pastas but I feel horrible after eating that stuff. I just can't seem to eat enough healthy food to get to 3400. I am also doing P90x when I get home to build muscle so I don't just have cardio and that's adding another 500 or so... It seems impossible to keep up.

I eat 6 meals a day and I try to make them all around 400 calories, more if I can, but I still need 1000 more and I am full! Is it okay to have this kind of deficit? I'm guessing no but does anyone have any tips on how I can get more calories without eating junk? I try to eat higher calorie food like nuts and I eat my own baked energy bars.

Thank you for any help!


  • Will_Lift_4_Shoes
    Will_Lift_4_Shoes Posts: 238 Member
  • kappy_hollowell
    Wow! You are burning some hella calories! That's great! I would say if you can't eat up to 3400-3900 calories stick to around what you can eat. On the days you feel tired or worn out, I would definitely boost my calorie intake.

    I wish I had that many calories I could eat! Sometimes I feel like I eat that much, but it's crappy food like you said, then I feel bad. (but I'm pregnant, so I guess I'll be ok)
  • 0skarr
    0skarr Posts: 1 Member
    I will just post this here for your knowledge, I hope you find it useful. This FAQ will answer everything you need to know. Then if you have any more questions, send me a message and I'd be glad to help.'s_Worksheet_(WIP)
  • MMKE4ever
    MMKE4ever Posts: 115 Member
    Wow. I wish I had your problem. I have a problem of staying under my calorie goal, even after exercise.
  • samf36
    samf36 Posts: 369 Member
    Wow how long does that take you to bike? My friend who does Ironman training eats while she is biking and running. Things like energy bars , high calorie drinks. It would seem you would need fuel to bike that much a day.
  • JillHoff
    JillHoff Posts: 30
    I can imagine... wow great excercise. Even with my 300-400 calorie work outs I am stressed to get enough calories in as the old high calorie dishes are making me feel horrible. But I think you are doing well at putting the calories back. 6 meals an extra protein bar snack you should be doing okay. I give myself a morning and evening snack to get to five meals but some like you might want to add an extra right after you ride both ways.

    Good Luck!!
  • treetop57
    treetop57 Posts: 1,578 Member
    Just looking at your profile and ticker, it seems you have lost 23 lbs since some time in January. You're most of the way toward your weight loss goal. You must be doing something right!

    My advice, worth approximately what you're paying for it? Keep doing what you're doing and stop caring what people who don't know you or your situation tell you to do.
  • Luc245
    Luc245 Posts: 73
    Wow how long does that take you to bike? My friend who does Ironman training eats while she is biking and running. Things like energy bars , high calorie drinks. It would seem you would need fuel to bike that much a day.

    It takes me about an hour an a half each way (depending on how hard I ride) with an 8 hour break in between for work. I eat right after I ride and then every few hours. I guess I am just worried about going into starvation mode. I'm not hungry at the end of the day, in fact, I'm usually full but that remaining number scares me a little.

    Thank you for all the advise I will try to eat as much as I can and then not worry about it :/
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    first of all well done on the exercise, that kind of burn is amazing!!

    I had a look at your diary and you use skimmed milk, low fat cheese, switching these to full fat versions will help increase your calories. Also snack on nuts, peanut butter, add olive oil in your cooking etc, these will bump up your cals without you having to eat much more :-)
  • Luc245
    Luc245 Posts: 73
    first of all well done on the exercise, that kind of burn is amazing!!

    I had a look at your diary and you use skimmed milk, low fat cheese, switching these to full fat versions will help increase your calories. Also snack on nuts, peanut butter, add olive oil in your cooking etc, these will bump up your cals without you having to eat much more :-)

    Oh yes! Good Idea I never thought of that. I love peanut butter :) Thank you!
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Think about all the people who don't count calories and think a single one of them would be worried about not eating enough if they felt full throughout the day? I think as long as you aren't ignoring your bodies signals to refuel, you're fine. Also, if you only bike to work 5 days a week, try eating similarly on the two days you don't and then you can make up some of the difference!