one day off a week

Hey guys i just wondered.
Do you think it is good to have one day a week where you can eat what you want without worrying about calorie content. Me and my partner was discussing it. He said its good to do that but im not so sure as surley that will be undoing all your hard work over the week?


  • TinaCleg_cancel
    I use to give myself Sunday's off. I do not work out on Sunday's because it's my family day and my time to rest. I have to be careful not to make one day three days. One off meal might be better than one whole day. At least for me..
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    I can't tell if this is a troll thread. This has been discussed and discussed and discussed over and over and over and over again and again and again and again.

    I'll just say this: It depends who you ask. I think it's great. It does several important things. But, there are people that think it's not great.

    I started it because I read a book called , "Body For Life" by Bill Philips. Bill basically is a very strong proponent of a cheat day. He believes it is beneficial physically as well as psychologically. So, I started doing it years ago, and I have just kept doing it. I don't see any problem with it. It doesn't undo your whole week. It's one day out of seven.

    Some people do a cheat meal, rather than a whole day. I think this is a good compromise. Let's face it, with birthday parties, summer BBQ's, people inviting you out, work parties, etc, it's good to have some room to wiggle in there so you can have fun sometimes.

    Like with anything, moderation is key. Although it's a cheat day, that doesn't mean it's a free-for-all. But, one thing I like is I might eat great all week, but knowing that at the end of it, I get to have a hamburger for lunch, makes it all so worth it.

    Some people do a cheat day every other week. This way, if you feel every week you undo all the hard work you put in, and least cheating once every two weeks, it's hard to udo 2 weeks of hard work in one day.

    I think the other thing is that you don't go crazy on cheat day. It just means that you eat things that you like, and that you normally wouldnt, but you don't eat a gallon of ice cream and 3 pizzas. Just be cool. If you want ice cream, on cheat day, have a serving of ice cream.
  • hongruss
    hongruss Posts: 389 Member
    OP there are two schools of thought - You eat it you log it/"cheat days" = cheating yourself.:noway:

    & then there is the "refeed/cheat" school of thought. If you keep your metabolism at any given level, over a period it will adjust & not burn as much fat. To confuse your body you change up your calorie intake, this refuels your muscles - if you have been eating in deficit. BUT & more importantly to me, is I am here for life, I am looking to make lasting changes:heart:

    I AM NOT a monk & have no interest in restricting myself, if once a week/month I want a takeaway I will, I have to be honest I try to juggle my macros to keep within my numbers though. But the point is you can use that one day to relax, you don't workout heavy seven days a week, so why not allow your mind a little release from the pressure of logging.

    I hope that makes sense, its been a long day & I may have rambled a little :(

  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    I don't do an all day eat whatever you want day but on the weekends I might have a few beers or maybe at a bbq I might have a handful or two of chips and call it a 'cheat' day. Otherwise I try to be pretty mindful of what I'm eating.