Loss of motivation after an "off day".

So last Sunday was Easter and I was like "Wth, I'll still count calories today, but I'm just gonna eat what I want because it's a holiday and I should enjoy it!". I still don't regret this decision. The problem is, I haven't been able to get motivated again. Before Easter I was hardly eating any junk because I just didn't want it anymore and I didn't need to eat much to be satisfied. Since Easter, I've been craving the worst stuff! And I just can't seem to stop eating!
I mean, I think half of the problem is that I'm on vacation this week so I'm bored. I've always been the type to eat when I'm bored.
But I'm really starting to get mad at myself.....to the point where I'm obsessing over it.
What do you guys think? Do you think I'll get back on track once I'm not on vacation anymore?
Any advice for future holidays?


  • Vixen0113
    Vixen0113 Posts: 78 Member
    I had a cheat day one day, and i went to the chinese buffet...bad choice to begin with, but it took me a week to get back on track..I felt tired, i didnt wanna go to the gym i just felt like crap..it took me a while to get back but i'll tell ya what I wont do that again lol..There's no problem with having cheating/treat moments..you just have to know when to not overdue it..You'll get back on track, just have to get back to motivating yourself :)
  • eriemer
    eriemer Posts: 197
    It took me about 2-3 days to get back on track from Easter. I kick myself in the butt and say "okay, lets get back into it" I had no motivation and all my goals sometimes seem like a second afterthought. Heck sometimes I have to fake it till I make it. That means sucking it up, going to the gym, being accountable, and keep tracking even if I was totally derailed and the calories are now up to almost 3000:noway:

    Do like that Nutragrain bar commericial! One good choice leads to the next good choice leads to the next.

    Good Luck! Stick with it, don't give up! We all struggle.
  • missb92
    missb92 Posts: 200 Member
    This has been me exactly this week, i had the week off college..a mountain of work to get through so Im home all the time and constantly rooting through the cupboards. I cant wait to get back into my routine next week and get back on track!!!
  • Moxie42
    Moxie42 Posts: 1,400 Member
    Every time I've ever had an "off day" it's taken me months to get back on track...except after a trip to Texas last month...that time I was able to get back on track in about a week- longer than it "should" have taken but much better than months and I was quickly able to lose the 4 lbs I gained.

    The way I was able to get back on track was to remind myself of the cycle- I knew I was feeling unmotivated and I knew my mind would tell me "I'll start again tomorrow" and then "I'll start again next week." I was terrified of falling off the wagon entirely (terrified of how my mind plays tricks on me) so I just decided- that's it- I can't keep letting this happen. I took some time to think about how unhappy I've been while overweight and how happy I was feeling to be losing weight. I thought about all reasons I want to lose, and thought about how crappy I'd feel if I let myself slide again.

    My recommendation would be- don't wait until your vacation is over. The longer you put off getting back on track, the harder it will be. If boredom is an issue, maybe try to find an "exercise" you actually enjoy. And remind yourself- if you don't want to be obsessing and worrying about it, your only option is to get back on track. Someone else here said "fake it until you make it" and that's true. Sometimes you just have to force yourself to do it until your healthy mentality clicks back on and you're back on track.

    As for future holidays, I think your idea of tracking even if you know you're going to go over, is a good idea. It keeps you accountable even if you're making a conscious decision to have a cheat day. Also remind yourself the holiday is just one day. I indulged quite a bit on Easter myself...and it was temping to eat all my Peeps and Cadbury eggs and chocolate right away. Instead I forced myself to stick to one sugary-goodness a day...it was hard and part of me wanted to eat it all just to make it not tempt me anymore, but so far I've stuck with it and now it's nice to actually be able to look forward to one small treat a day- being able to restrain myself the first few days has made the rest of the week easier and even with my small treats, I was able to lose this week since I tracked and stayed under the daily goal.