

  • Bxrlvr73
    Bxrlvr73 Posts: 82 Member
    You should google the Clarisonic Mia. Read the reviews on Amazon. It is the BEST money I've ever spent. My son had horrible acne for years it hurt to look at it. We'd been to the dermatologist time after time, did all sorts of creams, would clear up a little but come right back. Within 2 weeks of using the Mia and Acne Free facewash (Walmart) it is was GONE. And we haven't had to go back to the dermatologist office at all in the 3 months since we had it, his face is CLEAR. I ordered extra brush heads and I use it too. The difference in the size of my pores is amazing. I don't usually go on and on over a product, but I can't say enough about this thing.
  • sarad777
    sarad777 Posts: 210 Member
    Proactiv worked for me. Also, Dermalogica makes a really good line of acne care products. Sold at salons or medispas. Yes, these are all expensive options, but worth it.
  • SnazzyTraveller
    SnazzyTraveller Posts: 458 Member
    heck, i have been thinknig about posting something like this for a while. bump for later!
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    The two things that definitely helped me were going on a round of accutane and getting electrolysis on my face to remove the hairs that were clogging my pores. The last one took several rounds, but was extremely effective and clearing up what the accutane didn't get rid of permanently. Something that might also be helping is that I'm on the pill, but it's hard to tell how much of it is that and how much is just the passage of time.

    I still get breakouts during major shifts in weather, but my skin overall is much better than it was.
  • Howbouto
    Howbouto Posts: 2,121 Member
    All dermatologists will tell you that your diet is irrelevant when it comes to most forms of acne.

    The only thing that works is Accutane. It's a godsend.

    IMHO this is only because they can't make money if its diet related.

    Food allergies or intolerance can cause acne. In my case, its wheat.

    I would recommend trying an elimination diet for 2 weeks and then slowly add wheat and dairy back one at a time. I have also noticed the more exercise I get the better my completion.
  • roachhaley
    roachhaley Posts: 978 Member
    I've gotten rid of all my non-hormonal acne (cystic acne around my TOM is unavoidable) by being less harsh on my face. No harsh cleansers, no acne treatments (besides occasional tea tree oil).

    I use the Oil Cleansing Method, which is basically washing your face with oil. Sounds weird right? But it actually unblocks your pores really well and moisturizes your face (which is essential in fighting acne, believe it or not). If your face is dry it will produce more sebum which in turn can cause acne. I use straight olive oil on my face and it works really, really well. I don't need moisturizer afterwards. I'm huge into natural skincare.

    Don't buy into products or tools to deep cleanse your face. All they're doing is irritating it and may cause worsening of your condition (see: Clarisonic horror stories).

    Many people are saying Accutane, but that drug is really, REALLY harsh. unless your acne is causing you physical pain when you move I wouldn't consider it. it's also very hard to get prescribed (last time i heard).

    Also, drink lots of water. That seems to help me :)
  • TheCats_Meow
    TheCats_Meow Posts: 438 Member
    Cystic acne sufferer here!

    I've been on two rounds of Accutane with success but they always manage to come back. I've just now gotten them under control.

    I invested in the Clarisonic Mia and I find that it's really helped deep clean my skin! Plus, I use products that are oil free and contain salicylic and glycolic acid. And at night, I apply a thin layer of benzoyl peroxide over my entire face.

    Plus, as someone else mentioned, I use a toner made up of witchhazel & lemon juice. It's helped with the lightening of my scars.

    I also make sure my moisturizer contains glycerin and is oil free as well!

    ETA: Everyone's skin is different regardless if we all have acne, so you can't take any one person's story as gospel. You have to try out different things to find out what works best for YOU!

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
  • jessyjones00
    I suffered with Acne for a long time but when I got the right invaluable information from the net that's when my acne cleared up.

    These treatments some of you are mentioning like Accutane and salicylic acid products are really bad for you, trust me I know, I learned the hard way! The side effects are just not worth it. I stick too natural products only now, eat well, and drink lots of water everyday. Exercise helps too. My skin has never been better! I just need to get rid of the old acne scars now.

    Some pages from this site are really insightful do read it when you get the chance. I hope it helps you to understand why you need to stop these treatments, especially Accutane!
  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    The only thing that helped mine was going on birth control- I took anti-biotics (that made me sooo sick and gave me yeast infections- sorry for the TMI) I used perscription creams, and spent an insane amount of money on skin products. My doctor put me on birth control at age 19 after saying that the only other treatment he could offer was acutane (I shudder a the thought). Anyways, 7 years later, and I'm sooo happy with my skin. A better diet and using Clinique skin care products has helped get rid of the scarring and prevent the little breakouts I sometimes still get- but Birth Control "cured" it for me.
  • Chicrider
    Chicrider Posts: 17
    All dermatologists will tell you that your diet is irrelevant when it comes to most forms of acne.

    The only thing that works is Accutane. It's a godsend.

    As an adult this is a very hard thing to go through. I agree you must see a dermatologist. I had very bad acne at the age of 20 and after every other cream & interal pill I had no choice but to use Accutane.A few years later (2006) I did a second round. Thankfully my skin has been good since. I now only use a retin a micro to keep it under control.