Muscle Building help!

So I just was curious, besides protein what is another great building block for muscle building? I eat a fair amount of chicken and fish and I take a protein shake mix with water every day. Is there something else I am missing?



  • masterofktulu
    masterofktulu Posts: 151 Member
    I lift 5 days a week pretty intense for around 40 minutes. I work out mon-fri and take weekends off.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Heavy weight lifting!!
  • Cr357
    Cr357 Posts: 238
    Besides what you mentioned.. Healthy fats and lots of sleep. Also don't be afraid of carbs, they spare protein. Apply progressive overload to your training with a caloric surplus and voila!
  • rw4004
    rw4004 Posts: 157
    Taking guarana and creatine.I get mine from puritans pride website,or you can go to GNC.Getting enough calories and healthy fats in general is important.Are you changing your schedule at all?
  • masterofktulu
    masterofktulu Posts: 151 Member
    Yes I just switched to a new lifting program and will be again in 3-4 weeks before I get too used to it.