Getting nutrition under control


So i flog myself at gym multiple times a week and I am actually quite fit and toned. However I am toned under the layer of fat that I cannot budge due to my diet.

I have come to the realisation that I would actually be quite slim (i kind of am) if I didn't eat so much bad food.

I am a big savoury fan, Im not too bad with sugars i.e. lollies and such.

I just really need to get back with the calorie counter and stay strict.


  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    I recently repartitioned my food diary to reflect the foods purpose rather than time of day.
    So I have fruit/veg/protein/junk...etc.
    I hope being able to see that I'm missing on fruit and veg and seeing that my junk is a large portion of my calories...might help.

    I find being strict can create a need to let lose. Maybe little daily or weekly rewards for staying strict the rest of the time?