Weight loss without exercise



  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    I haven't "worked out" and i've lost 23 lbs since February. I do know that i have to start exercising soon but i'm the same as you, i always put it off. I know its a terrible excuse but i have 2 babies and the only time i have time to exercise all day is during nap time and if i can actually get them to nap together i really just want time to relax by myself and don't feel like exercising. With that said, i do try to move as much as i can. I'm up and down all day long with them, i try to walk an hour a day 3x a week. I park far away when i go places. I figure something is better than nothing? I'm looking into joining a gym soon, though, with a daycare.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I haven't "worked out" and i've lost 23 lbs since February. I do know that i have to start exercising soon but i'm the same as you, i always put it off. I know its a terrible excuse but i have 2 babies and the only time i have time to exercise all day is during nap time and if i can actually get them to nap together i really just want time to relax by myself and don't feel like exercising. With that said, i do try to move as much as i can. I'm up and down all day long with them, i try to walk an hour a day 3x a week. I park far away when i go places. I figure something is better than nothing? I'm looking into joining a gym soon, though, with a daycare.

    Actually, when people really think about where the deficit for weight loss is coming from, it is exactly coming from daily activities - that which draws mainly from fat stores anyway.

    You are nailing on the head exactly the best way to burn fat.

    Hard exercise or lifting (you could do at home now actually) just helps make muscle more active used, and therefore your daily activity with said muscle burns even more.

    Exercise requires feeding the body for that workout, so you got the right idea on increasing your deficit. Oh, beyond what MFP is aware of too.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    I haven't "worked out" and i've lost 23 lbs since February. I do know that i have to start exercising soon but i'm the same as you, i always put it off. I know its a terrible excuse but i have 2 babies and the only time i have time to exercise all day is during nap time and if i can actually get them to nap together i really just want time to relax by myself and don't feel like exercising. With that said, i do try to move as much as i can. I'm up and down all day long with them, i try to walk an hour a day 3x a week. I park far away when i go places. I figure something is better than nothing? I'm looking into joining a gym soon, though, with a daycare.

    Actually, when people really think about where the deficit for weight loss is coming from, it is exactly coming from daily activities - that which draws mainly from fat stores anyway.

    You are nailing on the head exactly the best way to burn fat.

    Hard exercise or lifting (you could do at home now actually) just helps make muscle more active used, and therefore your daily activity with said muscle burns even more.

    Exercise requires feeding the body for that workout, so you got the right idea on increasing your deficit. Oh, beyond what MFP is aware of too.

    Thank you! I admittedly know absolutely nothing about exercising or working out. I've never done it :( Perhaps i should get some hand weights for home. Besides lifting my 25 lb 12 month old all day long (complete mamas boy who doesnt leave my hip), I dont get any lifting in.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Well... That's all fine and good until you get close to or at your goal weight and you still look "fat" (I.e. skinny fat) because a lot of the weight you lost was also muscle. I'm assuming you want to LOOK thinner/in shape/good naked... And for that I think it's necissary.

    Edit to say: as you lose weight your BMR lowers as well.

    Two options:

    don't retain muscle mass and you have to eat a much smaller number of calories indefinitely to maintain your loss.

    Retain muscle/gain muscle which uses more calories throughout the day, which in turns allows you to eat more to maintain muscle.

    Take it from a former "skinny fat"... I wouldn't recommend it for anyone.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Thank you! I admittedly know absolutely nothing about exercising or working out. I've never done it :( Perhaps i should get some hand weights for home. Besides lifting my 25 lb 12 month old all day long (complete mamas boy who doesnt leave my hip), I dont get any lifting in.

    Squats, probably would be fun for him too.
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    Thank you! I admittedly know absolutely nothing about exercising or working out. I've never done it :( Perhaps i should get some hand weights for home. Besides lifting my 25 lb 12 month old all day long (complete mamas boy who doesnt leave my hip), I dont get any lifting in.

    Squats, probably would be fun for him too.

  • Mompanda4
    Mompanda4 Posts: 869 Member
  • Joannie30
    Joannie30 Posts: 415 Member
    A friend of mine has lost 10 STONE so far and all without a single bit of exercise!

    It can be done.

    Exercise is great though and it makes you feel great!
  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    I'm sure it's possible. BUT it's lazy. Laziness doesn't prosper. Just throwing that out there. Eventually you (not OP "you" but the general "you") won't see any more results and you'll have to work out but if you don't have that habit it'll be a lot harder for you to keep weight off. Just work out. It's really not as miserable as it seems (this is coming from someone who wouldn't sit in a gym parking lot for 5 minutes much less go in).
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    Well... That's all fine and good until you get close to or at your goal weight and you still look "fat" (I.e. skinny fat) because a lot of the weight you lost was also muscle. I'm assuming you want to LOOK thinner/in shape/good naked... And for that I think it's necissary.

    Edit to say: as you lose weight your BMR lowers as well.

    Two options:

    don't retain muscle mass and you have to eat a much smaller number of calories indefinitely to maintain your loss.

    Retain muscle/gain muscle which uses more calories throughout the day, which in turns allows you to eat more to maintain muscle.

    Take it from a former "skinny fat"... I wouldn't recommend it for anyone.

    ^^^^ this is so true.
    My friend started dieting with WW in August and has lost around 50lbs with no exercise.
    I started in October juat eating better and exercising 5 x a week and have lost 39lbs.

    She is now thin but flabby, has to eat very little to maintain and is extremely unfit.
    My weight is coming off slower but I can run 40 mins, can actually see some muscle appearing and generally feel healthier.

    Exercisr has many benefits other than weight loss, at the end of the day it comes down to whether you just want to be thin, or fit and healthy!
  • kathyc609
    kathyc609 Posts: 258 Member
    I have lost 72 pounds with very very very little exercise. More that I just try to move a little more than I use to. I have no exercise program - I keep planning to start but just not taking the time for myself. So yes it is possible but I know for my health and to hurry the last 25 pounds I have to start. Good luck to all.
  • SalishSea
    SalishSea Posts: 373 Member
    I don't get the chance to exercise as much as I want to. I work 14hr night shifts in a city two hours away from me. I sleep in my car. I am the primary caregiver form my 80 year old rheumatoid arthritic granny. She lives with us. I am still plagued with endometriosis pain. I have a household to maintain, blah blah , blah. Excuses. I know people say don't make excuses regarding exercises, but these are just the facts of my life. I just can't fit in exercise every single day. Plain and simple.

    I have done amazingly well with eating a sane amount of calories. And infrequent exercise. I know that my body would look better if I could exercise. My abs would not be as squishy, my flubbery arms would be more toned. So I never give up trying schedule time into my day to exercise. Plus I feel like a million bucks when I exercise. So it is worth striving for.

    My plans for the were canceled and the ONLY thing on my to do list is exercise! 30ds here I come!
  • mrk34
    mrk34 Posts: 227 Member
    When I started losing weight I injured my knee and had surgery. For 12 months I could not exercise but kept losing weight.

    The role of exercise in weight loss has been wildly overstated. Exercise is great for our physical health and state of mind, and for preventing weight gain in the first place, but it has a disappointingly small effect on weight loss.
  • jestersand
    jestersand Posts: 61 Member
    The only person I know personally that lost weight without exercise was an old lady (80years old) at A Jenny Craig center. She ate a little less than her required calorie needs were and she dropped about 2lbs per week.
  • ashleey1000
    ashleey1000 Posts: 256 Member
    This is so me. Wanting to lose weight with no exercise. Idk y I can't find the motivation!
  • simplynaturalfarm
    simplynaturalfarm Posts: 73 Member
    Why would I want to? I can eat more and weigh more with exercise plus look good and stay healthy
  • KevDaniel
    KevDaniel Posts: 449 Member
    Of course you can, if you have a calorie deficit you will lose weight, even if your not doing anything you burn at least 1500 cals a day, likely more. So if weight loss is the only goal, yeah it is possible. Exercise of course has a ton of benefits aside from weight loss that should be considered. The old saying that diet makes up 75% of weight loss is accurate.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    This is Johns/Jennies muscles without food or exercise......
    NVM...John and Jennie have no muscles.....
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I have a question which I'm sure others have asked...do you have a success story that involves losing weight WITHOUT exercising?? Reason for me asking is because I, myself, have slowly but surely lost weight without exercising like I should. I am a terrible procrastinator who will put off exercise til tomorrow, then the next day, and so on. I am eating alot better but just can't get motivated to do a workout!!!

    All you need to lose weight is a calorie deficit...exercise is not required if you create a calorie deficit in your diet as you do with MFP. MFP gives you a calorie goal with a substantial deficit built in...which is why, when you exercise, you eat back exercise calories back per the MFP method. Remember, MFP uses your NEAT in calculating your activity level, so exercise is extra...MFP does not use your TDEE...this is very important to understand when you're talking about eating back exercise calories or not.

    The very reasons you listed above are why MFP assumes you aren't doing exercise and creates a calorie goal (with deficit) to lose weight with any exercise being an extra activity that needs additional fuel.

    While you can lose weight without any exercise at all, exercise is a critical component to overall health and well being...but absolutely not necessary for weight loss.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Yes you absolutely can lose weight without exercise.

    However, there are also hundreds of girls and woman out there that will get as low as the 100 to 110 lb range and still feel fat. It's not that they have a bad body image - it's because they have no muscle tone and still feel squishy.

    Because I exercised throughout my entire weight loss journey, I now can enjoy eating 2000+ calories per day at the bottom of my BMI range. I have muscle to keep my body burning calories, even at rest.