"Diet" Carbonated drinks



  • calliope_music
    calliope_music Posts: 1,242 Member
    i don't think one will hurt you every now and then. my aunt tried this trick and she ended up losing weight (never mind the fact that she drank regular coke and probably had a glass of water per day lol): for every can of diet coke or whatever you have, have 2-3 cups of water before your next one.

    i personally don't even buy diet soda. i only get it when i go out, normally.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member

    You are right that it is a risk factor for diabetes not the causing factor. Having said that diabetes occurs because of accumulation of these risk factors. There is no virus or bacteria that causes it. Overall diet has to be good as well. Eating too much and not exercising at all is also a risk factor for it. Then you have to contend with genes as well. People who have a first degree relative with diabetes have higher chance of becoming diabetic. People of south Asian origin have 1.5 times higher chance of becoming diabetic than others. If you reduce your risk factors, your chances of getting diabetes are reduced.
    Rodale sensationalizes things to sell books and magazines.

    There is actually new evidence that there is bacteria that is linked to metabolic disorders and can lead to diabetes. This actually meshes with having a relative with diabetes as you get much of your bacteria from your family.

    There is also evidence that spicy foods help people lose weight.

    So leave the fear mongering elsewhere please.
  • br2012
    br2012 Posts: 52 Member
    I kicked the habit thanks to Sonic Ice. LOL. sounds odd but no other drink was cold enough. I found that the small ice cubes in that styrofoan cup makes for evenly distributed really cold water. ( may be in my head but it worked for a 3-6 diet cokes a day habit). unsweet tea with true lemon stevia sweetener has become a treat like soda used to be. www.truelemon.com. raspberry lemon is awesome too.
  • litatura
    litatura Posts: 569 Member
    I'm a reformed pop addict, but instead of giving it up completely, I drink water all day and allow myself one mini can of Diet Coke a day (with supper) and it's worked very well for me.
  • hesgro2
    hesgro2 Posts: 88 Member
    Here is the link, Diet Soda causes diabetes.


    Here is a brief summary:

    "Downing calorie-free pop could have the unappetizing consequence of increasing your risk of developing diabetes, according to a new study published in the journal Diabetes Care. Researchers looked at people’s diet soda consumption between the years 2000 and 2002, and then screened them for type 2 diabetes between 2002 and 2007, as part of the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis, or MESA, an investigation involving more than 6,800 people between 45 and 84 years old. People who drank at least one diet soda a day at the beginning of the study had a 67 percent higher relative risk of type 2 diabetes compared with the people who drank none. Zero-calorie soda also increased the risk of metabolic syndrome—a group of risk factors linked to obesity that increase your chances of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke—by 36 percent."

    If you look at the article closely and at other articles, you will see that diet soda does not in itself present that much risk. The problem in individuals with metabolic disorders such as diabetes is usually associated with overall diet. In a study, they found that individuals who did not drink diet soda and had a "prudent diet" and those that did drink diet soda and had a "prudent diet" had very little difference in future metabolic disorders (article linked below). Also, please always keep in mind that associations, links, or correlations do not indicate causality.

  • arsalak
    arsalak Posts: 40 Member

    You are right that it is a risk factor for diabetes not the causing factor. Having said that diabetes occurs because of accumulation of these risk factors. There is no virus or bacteria that causes it. Overall diet has to be good as well. Eating too much and not exercising at all is also a risk factor for it. Then you have to contend with genes as well. People who have a first degree relative with diabetes have higher chance of becoming diabetic. People of south Asian origin have 1.5 times higher chance of becoming diabetic than others. If you reduce your risk factors, your chances of getting diabetes are reduced.
    Rodale sensationalizes things to sell books and magazines.

    There is actually new evidence that there is bacteria that is linked to metabolic disorders and can lead to diabetes. This actually meshes with having a relative with diabetes as you get much of your bacteria from your family.

    There is also evidence that spicy foods help people lose weight.

    So leave the fear mongering elsewhere please.

    Well we are all free to do what we want with our bodies. I am just regurgitating what I have learnt about diet and health in the last few months that I am trying to be healthy.

    Take a look at this as well:


    This video is about dangers of diet soda especially the artificial chemical sweetener aspartame that it contains. After seeing this video anyone would be afraid of touching diet soda with a pole.

  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member


    This video is about dangers of diet soda especially the artificial chemical sweetener aspartame that it contains. After seeing this video anyone would be afraid of touching diet soda with a pole.


    I hate to do ad hominem attacks, but, Dr. Axe is a bloody chiropractor. Judging from his website he is quite the capitalist too.
  • arsalak
    arsalak Posts: 40 Member
    Here is the link, Diet Soda causes diabetes.


    Here is a brief summary:

    "Downing calorie-free pop could have the unappetizing consequence of increasing your risk of developing diabetes, according to a new study published in the journal Diabetes Care.

    If you look at the article closely and at other articles, you will see that diet soda does not in itself present that much risk. The problem in individuals with metabolic disorders such as diabetes is usually associated with overall diet. In a study, they found that individuals who did not drink diet soda and had a "prudent diet" and those that did drink diet soda and had a "prudent diet" had very little difference in future metabolic disorders (article linked below). Also, please always keep in mind that associations, links, or correlations do not indicate causality.


    Thanks for raising a very important point. Diabetes and metabolic syndrome are idiopathic, which means that experts have not pinpointed the causative agent for these health problems. What they have unearthed by reaserch is associated risk factors. Why those risk factors predispose some one to have metabolic syndrome or diabetes is not known. Having a cluster of risk factors in one individual will definitely increase their risk for developing diabetes. Therefore reducing these associated risk factors will reduce the chance of being afflicted with diabetes. Hence if you have one person who eats healthy and exercises regularly but has an occasional diet soda will not have a high risk for becoming diabetic. But can you use this to justify consumption of diet soda? Well that would be hard.
  • farberry
    farberry Posts: 71 Member
    I love diet coke, but we don't drink it at home so there I live off sugar-free squash (summer fruits and tropical are my favourites). I've recently started buying 2litre bottles of fizzy water to dilute it with, add ice and it's super refreshing and delicious, and only like 5 calories max.
  • chocoholicdiva
    chocoholicdiva Posts: 345 Member
    If drinking water is a problem for you, here's something you can do. First, buy a bottle of vitamin water - 591 ml size - and drink up. One of these gives you roughly the equivalent of 2 1/2 glasses of water. Then, save the bottle, rinse it out, and fill it up with water, then empty the contents of a drink mix like Crystal Light into it. It won't taste as sugary, because there's more water than usual, and you have a great drink, and you still get your water. It's something I do every chance I get!!! :happy:
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    I quit drinking soda a year ago. I drink Crystal Light which probably isn't much better as it has many of the same ingredients.
    I'd say maybe try to add an extra glass of water in a day, weekly.

    also, the phrase is "Correlation does not equal Causation"

    and this

    Well then, on Friday nights. Im screwed with the alcohol beverages!! :drinker: :laugh: :drinker: :laugh: :drinker: :laugh:
  • zoeluiisa
    zoeluiisa Posts: 392
    I think all fizzy drinks are pretty evil, whether they're full sugar or diet. Its just a glass of chemicals.

    If you don't like plain water have squash instead, or a little bit or fresh fruit juice topped up with sparkling water.

    Or a cup of tea!
  • chattipatty2
    chattipatty2 Posts: 376 Member
    Or try very watered down Crystal Light???
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I drink a 24 oz bottle of plain cold water mixed with a 'Wild Strawberry" crystal light. It's a lighter version and it's SO good :)

    Makes for an interesting change from the normal stuff too :)
  • arsalak
    arsalak Posts: 40 Member
    It's scary what diet pop can do. Take a look at this:


    I am not having one ever!
  • doinitforme2012
    doinitforme2012 Posts: 98 Member
    Having just read the study that is mentioned in that article it doesn't mention other factors. So yes people who have diabetes drink diet soda. That doesn't mean that diet soda causes diabetes. Coreleation doesn't equal causation.

    I seriously would love to see a study done on diabeties and diet soda that takes into account the rest of the other person's diet.

    I know this is anecdotal but I went from pre-diabetic to not even being at risk while still drinking diet soda. All over diet needs to be taken into account.

    (edited because I'm a dope sometimes)

    don't diabetic people drink diet/sugar free drinks?? just saying.
  • doinitforme2012
    doinitforme2012 Posts: 98 Member
    I drink diet mountain dew. i'm not too bad i drink 2 or three cans a day. other than that all i drink after my morning milk or yoohoo (which helps with keeping my blood sugar levels up as i am hypoglycemic) is water with a couple drops of lemon or lime juice in it. if i go out i have unsweetened tea.

    the only bad things i've heard about diet pops are the sodium levels (not a problem for me as i have low blood pressure and should have more sodium than the normal person per my doctor) and the artificial sweetener that i can't spell for th life of me but starts with a ph and if it's in the drink there will be a warning on the packaging can cause birth defects in pregnant women.

    it depends on the person and how their body is to really say "no diet soda is BAD! do not drink it" because as i am not pregnant and the artificial sweetener i mentioned isn't in diet mountain dew i could drink the stuff like it's water.
  • doinitforme2012
    doinitforme2012 Posts: 98 Member
    It's scary what diet pop can do. Take a look at this:


    I am not having one ever!

    this guy is talking in circles... he's asking more questions than he is answering. and he's saying diet coke doesn't help you lose weight, BUT if you exchange your lets say 3 cans a day which would be 437 calories, if you eat 437 calories less a day you are going to loss weight. as long as nothing else changes. (i'm eating roughly 450 calories less a day than i normally would as part of my weight loss plan)
  • arsalak
    arsalak Posts: 40 Member
    It's scary what diet pop can do. Take a look at this:


    I am not having one ever!

    this guy is talking in circles... he's asking more questions than he is answering. and he's saying diet coke doesn't help you lose weight, BUT if you exchange your lets say 3 cans a day which would be 437 calories, if you eat 437 calories less a day you are going to loss weight. as long as nothing else changes. (i'm eating roughly 450 calories less a day than i normally would as part of my weight loss plan)

    You are right that eating less calories will help you lse weight but this is not about calories. It's to do with artificial sweeteners that they have and the dangerous effects of them.
  • doinitforme2012
    doinitforme2012 Posts: 98 Member
    It's scary what diet pop can do. Take a look at this:


    I am not having one ever!

    this guy is talking in circles... he's asking more questions than he is answering. and he's saying diet coke doesn't help you lose weight, BUT if you exchange your lets say 3 cans a day which would be 437 calories, if you eat 437 calories less a day you are going to loss weight. as long as nothing else changes. (i'm eating roughly 450 calories less a day than i normally would as part of my weight loss plan)

    You are right that eating less calories will help you lse weight but this is not about calories. It's to do with artificial sweeteners that they have and the dangerous effects of them.

    dangerous effects?? i listened to the whole video as you probably didn't and all he talked about was that diet coke doesn't make you lose weight and asked the people he was talking to questions. and the study he talked about was in rats. large amounts of anything will cause some kind of damage to you, you can even die from drinking too much water. :noway:

    EDIT: they can also make the study come out the way they want... the ONE study that shows marijuana kills brain cells (think of that as example A) was done on monkeys with gas masks full of smoke on their faces for upwards of 30 seconds, with out air holes for oxygen, anyone/thing that is deprived of oxygen will lose brain cells.