LADIES! Has your TOM went haywire since losing weight????

beccci91 Posts: 214
Mine has!

Basically as soon as I began to lose weight mid January I have been getting my TOM every two weeks. I have went to see the doctor about it and I just need to book myself in for an internal now to see if they can find a cause for it.

Has this happened to anyone else?


  • Julezebub
    Julezebub Posts: 106
    I'd be interested to see other peoples replies to this. Mine has gone the other way but I'm assuming its down to other factors as my weight loss has been slow and sensible. I'd hate to think that doing it the healthy way has scared away my normal bodily functions!
  • beccci91
    beccci91 Posts: 214
    For me that has drastically slowed down my weight loss. In 3 months I've lost 16lbs, it is EXTREMELY frustrating but there's not a whole lot I can do. My doctor has said that if no cause is found with the internal then my only choice is to go back on the pill which I really don't want too.

    Also since it is so regular this means I am not ovulating as well.
  • hannydee
    hannydee Posts: 246
    Mine's gone weird just recently; although I haven't really been losing weight so not sure if it could be down to the healthy eating/exercise regime. Basically, I am on BC and have been on the same one for 2 years. I had my pill-free week (and TOM) last week and resumed BC last Friday. Yesterday, I started having what I can only describe as a second TOM... but only a week after the normal one?! Very, very weird.
    Interested to hear others' stories.
  • beccci91
    beccci91 Posts: 214
    Mine's gone weird just recently; although I haven't really been losing weight so not sure if it could be down to the healthy eating/exercise regime. Basically, I am on BC and have been on the same one for 2 years. I had my pill-free week (and TOM) last week and resumed BC last Friday. Yesterday, I started having what I can only describe as a second TOM... but only a week after the normal one?! Very, very weird.
    Interested to hear others' stories.

    thats odd, especially since you are on the pill :/
  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    Actually, no. Mine is finally back to being regular. I'm due today which sucks because we're going camping.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    I was going to say significantly lowering your fat intake could mess with your hormones, but judging from your diary you look fine by that measure.

    Now if I could only get my TOM under control =P
  • rc630
    rc630 Posts: 310 Member
    Unless you have drastically reduced your calories and/or dropped weight very quickly, I personally think your problem is due to something other than weight loss, especially if an OCP is involved.
    While I was never obese, I went from overweight to being slim with a decently low BF%, and my TOM went from being exactly like clockwork every 27 days to being more easily shifted due to stress or syncing. I have never missed one, but it has come 4 days early and up to a week late depending on if I've had a rough week or spending a lot of time with another girl, especially if she is on an OCP (meaning I'm more likely to sync to her).

    ETA: Is your "extra" TOM as heavy as the regular one? Have you also considered the possibility that you are spotting due to ovulation? Some people have spotting, cramps, etc. during this time too.
  • ieva015
    ieva015 Posts: 93 Member
    my TOM has disappeared for like 3 months now :/ should i be concerned?
  • beccci91
    beccci91 Posts: 214
    Unless you have drastically reduced your calories and/or dropped weight very quickly, I personally think your problem is due to something other than weight loss, especially if an OCP is involved.
    While I was never obese, I went from overweight to being slim with a decently low BF%, and my TOM went from being exactly like clockwork every 27 days to being more easily shifted due to stress or syncing. I have never missed one, but it has come 4 days early and up to a week late depending on if I've had a rough week or spending a lot of time with another girl, especially if she is on an OCP (meaning I'm more likely to sync to her).

    ETA: Is your "extra" TOM as heavy as the regular one? Have you also considered the possibility that you are spotting due to ovulation? Some people have spotting, cramps, etc. during this time too.

    my extra TOM is actually usually longer and a bit heavier than my normal one. I don't use any OCPs and well I started out as severely obese...
  • pstaceyca
    pstaceyca Posts: 306 Member
    my TOM has disappeared for like 3 months now :/ should i be concerned?

    Ummmmmm YEAH!!
  • kritterxx
    kritterxx Posts: 100 Member
    incoming stupid question, but what does TOM stand for, what is it?

    as a girl I'm thinking I should probably know this, I might just be having a slow moment :/

    (and I have to know now, because I've read through this thread and now I'm just plain curious!)
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    my TOM has disappeared for like 3 months now :/ should i be concerned?
    Low bodyfat levels in women mess with your hormones. Pauline Nordin talks about this. Search for her.
  • Elf_Princess1210
    Elf_Princess1210 Posts: 895 Member
    Mine becomes more regular, but I also have pcos
  • loki3981
    loki3981 Posts: 249 Member
    Even with birth control, I've not had a period since October when I began this journey. I've heard its not unusual, but I'm headed to my gyno in May.
  • MissLuana
    MissLuana Posts: 356
    my TOM has disappeared for like 3 months now :/ should i be concerned?

    :huh: Yeah...especially if you haven't started any type of BC that could cause that as a side effect...pregnant much???
  • LizKurz
    LizKurz Posts: 340 Member
    For me that has drastically slowed down my weight loss. In 3 months I've lost 16lbs, it is EXTREMELY frustrating but there's not a whole lot I can do. My doctor has said that if no cause is found with the internal then my only choice is to go back on the pill which I really don't want too.

    Also since it is so regular this means I am not ovulating as well.

    Ok, I just wanted to let you know, going back on the pill is NOT your only option. I was getting my period every three weeks, had horrible pms, weight gain, trouble losing weight, adult acne, was tired all the time, etc etc.

    My MD wanted to put me on the pill becuae she said I had a hormonal imbalance. I asked if there was anything else, she told me the there was a bio identical hormone cream I could use that after time would fix the problem, but because its not prescription, it takes longer than if you were prescribed hormones (the pill). The lady MD that came up with the formula and sells it is a bit on the.....Christian side, but I don't mind that so much. Cause in three months my period is back to normal, I have more energy, the acne is all gone save one blemish or so a month during TOM. I probably could have fixed it in one month with BC. But BC does horrible things to me, including vomiting and headaches, etc.
  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    incoming stupid question, but what does TOM stand for, what is it?

    as a girl I'm thinking I should probably know this, I might just be having a slow moment :/

    (and I have to know now, because I've read through this thread and now I'm just plain curious!)

    time of the month
  • beccci91
    beccci91 Posts: 214
    incoming stupid question, but what does TOM stand for, what is it?

    as a girl I'm thinking I should probably know this, I might just be having a slow moment :/

    (and I have to know now, because I've read through this thread and now I'm just plain curious!)

    time of month....period!
  • ieva015
    ieva015 Posts: 93 Member
    my TOM has disappeared for like 3 months now :/ should i be concerned?

    :huh: Yeah...especially if you haven't started any type of BC that could cause that as a side effect...pregnant much???

    im 100% sure i'm not pregnant
  • AandJsMommy
    AandJsMommy Posts: 314
    incoming stupid question, but what does TOM stand for, what is it?

    as a girl I'm thinking I should probably know this, I might just be having a slow moment :/

    (and I have to know now, because I've read through this thread and now I'm just plain curious!)

    TOM= time of the month!