Lost hope

I feel I can't go on this diet it's hard how no one supports u or knows


  • 42kgirl
    42kgirl Posts: 692 Member
    Everyone here on MFP is there to support you! You can do it! It's baby steps. The all or nothing attitude will not work. It takes time. I have a 10 minute rule for working out. If I don't feel like it or am not feeling super awesome, I work out for 10 minutes. If it still sucks, I stop. I've only stopped a handful of times.
  • castufari
    castufari Posts: 14 Member
    Take baby steps. Set some easy to reach goals. You can do it. Sometimes it takes a few false starts, but you'll get it. Be strong!
  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 498 Member
    Friend me! Better yet, I'll send you a friend request! :bigsmile:
  • marylouise123
    marylouise123 Posts: 127 Member
    Don't give up.... This journey takes time & its not easy.. Look to people that do support you & focus on yourself.. Think of it as more of a lifestyle change rather than a diet.. If you start making small changes you will see big differences quicker than you think.. I started on MFP in January & it has really kicked my butt in gear.. I have over a hundred pounds to lose & I have bad days to. I get discouraged to.. But I pick myself up the next day & start over... I have met some really amazing people on here & they have helped keep me focused & motivated.. I am down 31 pounds & 27.5 inches.. Its been hard - but the rewards are so worth the challenges.. You can do this...If you would like another friend feel free to add me.... Good luck....
  • premiumchilenita
    premiumchilenita Posts: 600 Member
    .....and don't go on a "DIET" you're just restricting yourself which makes you rebel soon after. Start making small changes, like water instead of soda, half a teaspoon less of sugar in your drinks, white sugar to raw sugar, chicken with skin off, 3 squares of chocolate instead of 1/2 a block......Once you have those down, then start with other things. It's getting use to living healthier, not killing yourself trying. It took a long time to get to where you are, so it'll take time to change habits, tiny steps.
  • thinkpositive3
    thinkpositive3 Posts: 85 Member
    Take baby steps. Set some easy to reach goals. You can do it. Sometimes it takes a few false starts, but you'll get it. Be strong!

    ^^^^^^This! He's right on! You can do this!
  • Nokarot
    Nokarot Posts: 15 Member
    My "diet" meant cutting out sodas and only eating 3 meals a day instead of breakfast, starbucks, brunch, lunch, linner, daytime snack, dinner, desert, midnight snack #1 and midnight snack #2.

    Try a diet that still lets you eat your favorite foods, just less of them. That's what I'm doing and things are working great so far. Not sure if that'll help you because you're pretty nondescript about your situation, but keep your chin up :o
  • blackeyegirl
    This is a great network of support plus the program really helps us to gradually make lifestyle changes. It takes time to change our routines and habits...just hang in there! We are all trying to make changes for the better. We all have ups and downs, but I try not to "waste time" thinking about the mistakes of yesterday, but focus on "enjoying the present". Just keep plugging along...we are there with you. I have been using MFP for about a month. I've had some challenges, but refuse to focus on what the scale says. I am exercising more, and that's a positive. At times, I absolutely hate the gym, but as one poster said, she sticks with it for 10 minutes, and if it's really bad, she quits. When I am at the gym and hating it, I refocus my thoughts to "this exercise is something positive I am doing for myself today". I hope this helps. Friend us...it may be just what you need! Good luck!!
  • CherishQuick
    Pick some small goals for the week then build on that.
  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    .....and don't go on a "DIET" you're just restricting yourself which makes you rebel soon after. Start making small changes, like water instead of soda, half a teaspoon less of sugar in your drinks, white sugar to raw sugar, chicken with skin off, 3 squares of chocolate instead of 1/2 a block......Once you have those down, then start with other things. It's getting use to living healthier, not killing yourself trying. It took a long time to get to where you are, so it'll take time to change habits, tiny steps.

    SO THIS!!! Small changes and a new mantra - I CAN DO IT!
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 886 Member
    I agree just take one day at a time by making small changes. Let your friends on here support you. I have been on this journey since beginning of January, I still don't always eat the healthiest. But, the biggest thing I have done was almost completely eliminate soda out of my diet. I drank minimum 3 cans a day every day. Now, since then I have had about 10 cans since beginning of January. I also sat in the evenings watching tv eating chips and dip with soda. I haven't done that since I started this journey in January. Sometimes, I still have a snack but it is multigrain tortilla chips or skinny cow ice cream (a lot less calories). I have lost 35 pounds since beginning of January.
    Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • the_prettty1
    I just started last month and no one loves food more than me, if I can cut back I believe you can too! I love hoagies and ice cream soda and all that good fattening stuff. So instead of making myself miserable I'm just cutting portion sizes. This may take me longer to reach my goal but I'll be happier on the journey there. YOU CAN DO IT!
  • MissYogapants
    MissYogapants Posts: 106 Member
    In real life I have a boyfriend who is supportive of my weightloss and fight for getting into a nice fitnessish shape. The rest of the people in my life either just don't care about it, or is strongly against it (for example my mother, who thinks it's unnatural for a woman to ever to weight training or even going for a run). The rest of my inspiration I get from MFP by reading the forums, reading success stories in the forums and looking at before and after photos. I love this site and it means SO much to me! :)

    I hope you will find your inspiration and motivation soon. Do you have a role model? My role model is Jillian Michaels. And I'm motivated by the fact that some of my relatives are obese and suffer from practically all sicknesses you can have, and I don't want to end up there myself.