How to log in exercise relating to walking...

Morning all.

I'm heading to NYC this weekend for a trip that is both business and pleasure related. Leaving early tomorrow morning and will hit the ground running once I arrive in the city.

After I spend all day Sunday working (Bridal Market Weekend/Fashion Shows) I'll have all day Monday to myself. I plan on spending at least 8 hours walking around the city doing non stop sightseeing. I may even head over to the museum of Fine Arts.

My question is how to log in my walking. There will be times where I'm going to be walking at a brisk pace and other times where I'm going to be doing some window shopping. I will not log in my total hours walking but I do want to get some exercise "credits" since I'll be actively moving all day long.

Any feedback would be appreciated.


  • ericgAU
    ericgAU Posts: 271
    Good question. On my iPhone I have an app called "Runkeeper". Its free. Usually when I go walking I use the app to record it and if I have to stop somewhere along the way I'll pause it and then resume when I start back up. Better to be accurate this way than just guessing or worse still over inflating the actually time your walking.
  • acfkaren
    acfkaren Posts: 60 Member
    What a lovely trip to have! I think what I would do is use a timer on my phone and make a little note somewhere that you did x mins walking fast and x mins walking slow. Just jot it down somewhere and then put 2 lots of activities in MFP for slow and brisk!

    Or you could just guess at an average, say 7 hours overall?
  • SewJude
    SewJude Posts: 1
    Pick up a pedometer. It should tell you your steps & calories burned. Have fun on your trip!
  • Sleevesister57
    Sleevesister57 Posts: 1 Member
    I use the fitbit which records your steps and can be linked here!
  • dcyr009
    dcyr009 Posts: 93
    If you walk for four hours you can always enter your walk time in at:

    Walked 2.0 miles per hour slow for 120 minutes
    Walked 4.0 miles per hour for 120 minutes

    Change it around if you feel you walked fast all day of you want.
  • eatherhey
    eatherhey Posts: 147 Member
    I like Runkeeper a lot. I have it on my Android phone. Not only does it keep track of time and pace it also has GPS so it maps for you. :D Might be neat to have while exploring NYC.
  • ChristinelovesCraig
    ChristinelovesCraig Posts: 62 Member
    Don't have any fancy apps on my phone. :(

    I do have a pedometer and I packed in my suitcase.

    Weather is looking fabulous, too. Can't wait.
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    A HRM would be awesome for that! You'll just have to use your best guess with logging your walk. I've read that there are some apps on your phone that you can get but those are very touchy to the bumps.