I need to start excercising



  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    PS. I know I have to hit the gym here this morning, I'm sore from lifting yesterday and would be SO much easier to stay home, but I know I'll feel fantastic when I'm done.

  • Rawrbyn
    Rawrbyn Posts: 109 Member
    Wow congrats on the weight loss with 88 lbs!!!!!! so did you lose the pounds just by exercising and counting calories?

    Who....me? :blushing:

    Calorie counting. All the way. I walked everywhere, too. If I go to the store, I park really far out. If I need to get something from a store in town, that's within a 3 mile radius, I walk. I cut out fried foods....mostly. I also cut down on bread, pasta, and rice. I didn't cut them out....just cut down. They are empty calories that I didn't need. I just joined a gym last week, to get the rest of the weight off. I want to be 198lbs, then I'm going to start strength training. I know that lifting weights will make my weight loss halt for a bit, so I want to get in the hundreds before I do that. :)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    Start moving more in your every day life. Walk as many places as you can. I walk to the grocery store every week now (about 3 miles round trip) and another 3 miles per day using public transit. I used to drive everywhere, but it's nice being more active and on my feet. I feel better, fitter, and stronger.

    I also lift 3x per week (no cardio other than swimming periodically). I love lifting days.

    Honestly, the trick is to get moving more than you currently do and to eat less but enough to keep your body going.
  • dgarcia0816
    That's great!!! I work at the hospital, so the majority of the time I take the stairs but it sucks when I get where I need to and I am OUT OF BREATH!!! I weigh 180, but last April 16 I got married and I weighed 156. I was still overweight a little and my goal was to be 145 but gosh!!! Talk about marriage adding some pounds. I have never been this heavy... the most disturbing that I don't like about my weight is that I have that crease on my back and it looks like I have boobs on my back lol :laugh: and then my legs!!!!! talk about hail damage all the way!!! :sad: gosh!! i just need motivation as well to get this weight going. it just sucks because food is sssooooo good!!! :love:
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    That's great!!! I work at the hospital, so the majority of the time I take the stairs but it sucks when I get where I need to and I am OUT OF BREATH!!! I weigh 180, but last April 16 I got married and I weighed 156. I was still overweight a little and my goal was to be 145 but gosh!!! Talk about marriage adding some pounds. I have never been this heavy... the most disturbing that I don't like about my weight is that I have that crease on my back and it looks like I have boobs on my back lol :laugh: and then my legs!!!!! talk about hail damage all the way!!! :sad: gosh!! i just need motivation as well to get this weight going. it just sucks because food is sssooooo good!!! :love:

    The question is whether the food is better than getting rid of the back fat... Ask yourself that when you feel like overindulging on a day that you've not planned to do so. It helps me get control over my binging when I feel like binge eating.
  • peasantgirly
    peasantgirly Posts: 173 Member
    If you don't like structured exercise (walking a particular time or distance, or going to the gym), or if you don't like feeling like exercise is something you have to check off your To-Do list, then I'd suggest finding something FUN to do. Something that you'll WANT to do, not something you "should" do. There's your motivation right there.

    It can be anything:
    playing with your kids in the backyard (frisbee, tag, whatever),
    Zumba (I'm 100lbs overweight and I LOVE Zumba - it really is for everybody),
    hit some tennis balls against a wall,
    go walk around a flea market,
    Wii Fit (I highly recommend this)
    even something like going to a "pick-your-own-fruit" place (strawberries, cherries, apples, whatever is in your area),

    Anything that gets you up and moving. But the bottom line is that it's something you WANT to do.

    And, of course, incorporate things like taking the stairs, parking a little farther away from the store entrance, etc...
  • lynclar
    lynclar Posts: 1
    Exercise is not something I look forward too, however I can honestly say that I have never regretted working out - but I do regret skipping that workout!! walking, zumba, circuit training, weights. Do simple things that you can switch up so you don't get bored.
  • dgarcia0816
    I wanna buy the XBox Game Just Dance, I played it at a friends and man it makes you sweat and its fun I just need to go by the Kinect and the game. But yes, I can be a binge eater too!!! Especially if im feeling down....
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Do it because nothing else will help you. There's NO alternative.

    You want it, or you don't.

    If you do want it... you have to stand up and prove it and go.

    Just keep reminding yourself, that taking your life in your own hands and steering it away from the direction that you know will not make you happy- is one of the most powerful things a human is capable of doing.

    Make your own rules that will allow you to handle your responsibilities, duties and obligations and still have all of it balanced with what makes you happy, keeps you healthy and moves you in a much better direction than 'worse than where i am now.'

    You want your motivation? Guess what. You can't have it until your 6 minutes into your next workout.

    Want it?

    Go get it and prove it.
  • Shambrocker
    I struggle with exercise too, still. I started out with just walking. It seems like just getting my shoes on is the hardest part because once I'm out there I love it. It's just getting started.

    It's like kids and baths. They never want to take a bath but once they're in the tub they don't want to get out.

    I have Zumba on the PlayStation which is SUPER fun. I tried the 30 Day Shred but it was hard and Jillian is mean and icky to look at and listen too for me. I also threw my back out after about 3 workouts of hers. But, I may try it again - now that I'm a bit lighter maybe the jumping jacks won't hurt as bad.

    There's quite a few things on Netflix if you have it. I had never realized Netflix had Fitness stuff. I love the Pilates, it's great especially after a nice long walk. Relaxing, stretchy and it feels really good.

    That is so true about kids and baths. I'm the same way, if I just get started I'm so happy that I did it and I feel better too. I do have Netflix and I wasn't aware that they had fitness videos. I'm definitely going to check that out. Thanks so much. I'm starting tomorrow morning. I'm not allowed to do anything fun until I at least go for a walk.
  • myjourney2
    myjourney2 Posts: 424 Member
    I also struggled with exercise. I would decide today would be the day I was going to walk but I never quite made it out the front door.

    I finally had enough and joined the gym and hired a personal trainer. That way I am accountable to someone else and I find it really helps.
  • kitiarascott
    kitiarascott Posts: 30 Member
    i got a trial membership to a gym, its what kicked me in the butt and got me started! lots of gyms offer 7 days free contests to win a month etc, check out your local gyms!
  • lsknupp
    lsknupp Posts: 12 Member
    walk walk walk!
  • marilou0511
    marilou0511 Posts: 591 Member
    Hello from Chicago!
    Thank you for this post. On April 1st I finally said to myself that I'll start exercising 3Xwk/30 minutes. Unfortunately, I find this harder to do than I thought. I think I'll go back to basics and start with committing to walking every day (or turn on the Leslie Sansone walking in YouTube). Almost everyone here says to start with walking, and master that first. Hoping this will help me.
  • Rawrbyn
    Rawrbyn Posts: 109 Member
    I wanna buy the XBox Game Just Dance, I played it at a friends and man it makes you sweat and its fun I just need to go by the Kinect and the game. But yes, I can be a binge eater too!!! Especially if im feeling down....

    I love Dance Central. It really helped me when I began. I did it the other day, which was the first time in 50or so pounds...I wasn't out of breath or super tired 20 minutes in. It's so awesome!
  • marilou0511
    marilou0511 Posts: 591 Member
    I'm about 50 lbs overweight and I'm totally out of shape. I keep telling myself I will start excercising tomorrow and I never do it. I need motivation, encouragement and guidance. Please help. What should I start out doing? Someone needs to kick me in the butt to get me started. I really think that once I get going I will be fine but I'm having a hard time getting over the first hurddle. Thanks everyone.

    Would like to know if you started exercising since your original post from 4/14/2012. That's about a month ago.
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    agree with all the others...i started walking and built up to running using the C25K program and built up to 17km jogs..then lost focus and stopped and I have just started again..you guessed it..I walk everyday..even the days I plan to run and then feel too lazy I make myslef walk and most times end up running once im out there. its the simplest but most effective starting exercise

    THIS IS EXACTLY MY EXERCISE PLAN TOO (except the 17k jogs).

    I started walking in a morning just a mile or so, then further and further, now I walk to work (9 miles) most mornings. I then started C25K got to week 3, but had to stop due to illness in Feb. I have just finished week one again.

    It's not about what excercise.... just do some.